Autumn 1 Week 5 w.b. 02.10.2023
In Re this week the children had some special prayer time. They were very good at passing the Bible around the circle as they shared what they thought was unique and special about themselves. They then went on to select one our special classroom hearts and say a prayer for anyone of their choice. There were some very lovely prayers made and the children were very good at listening to each other and showing great patience during this reflective time.
This week the children were thinking about how they can show control over an object, run with their head up and also be aware of other children. The aim of the game was to keep hold of their band but try and pinch another one in the process. They were not allowed to guard their tags with their hands and every time they managed to pinch a tag they gained a point! The children were great at working collaboratively and showed a good understanding of the game.
In English, the children have been making party invitations! Please see more details about this below. The children have invited a cuddly toy of their choice to join us at a tea party next Wednesday. We discussed what important information needed to be added to an invitation and the children are super excited!
Please could your child bring in a cuddly toy of their choice on Monday to join them. Could we also request that it is something that can stay in school for the week and not something that they have at bedtime or will be missing at home. Children can also bring in a small sized snack (no nuts or seeds) to have at the party.
In Maths the children have continued to explore conservation of number whilst regrouping amounts and rehearsing their subitising skills. They have also focused on showing how they can make the same number in a variation of different ways using a tens frame.
Home Learning – Due for Friday
Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.
Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home.
Reading – 5-10 minutes a day.
- You will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part fairly.
- Could you also please ensure all of your child’s belongings are labelled. We have lots of cardigans and jumpers with no names. We will leave them outside on the tuff tray until Monday and then put them in lost property.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes