Autumn 1 Week 1 w.b. 04.09.2023
Welcome to Year 1!
The children have had a lovely start to the new school year and a very busy week. They were all excited to see each other and it was lovely seeing them all spending time with each other again. They joined the first school assembly and learned about The Year of Diversity and wrote what they think makes them unique which will be displayed in the hall. In class the children also took part in collective worship and spoke about how we are all different.
Year 1 have been busy exploring their classroom and their new play area outside. They have practised tidying up and I have to say they are very good, so look out for this at home! They have particularly enjoyed fishing in the ball pit, modelling with play dough and role play in the home corner.
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children should wear their full Pope Paul PE kits to school on those days, including sweatshirts rather than school jumpers or cardigans for colder weather. Please wear a plain white or black t-shirt until house teams are allocated.
Home learning
We will continue to assess the children in phonics and reading over the next week or so before sending reading books home. This will ensure that we are accurately sending books with sounds in that the children can read and enjoy with you at home.
Please ensure that all belongings are named clearly. Please check the school bags to make sure that nothing belonging to someone else has accidentally been taken home. Children need a water bottle and hat in school every day please and any boxes of tissues would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday 13th September 2.45pm – Year 1 Meet the Teacher Information Session.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes