Week 5: 6th October
This week we have been doing a lot of writing….adding a new chapter to our Dilemma story of Lost and Stolen. Today the children have been doing role play as part of developing the characters within their writing. Also in grammar we looked at the use of direct speech and how to add this to enhance our skills further.
In RE we have been continuing with our focus on Initiation, learning about the importance of Baptism, The Eucharist and Confirmation and what words, actions and symbols are used in these sacraments.
The children also looked at designing a new web page for our school website with the focus on welcoming. They worked really well and the results were amazing. We hope to show them to Mrs Heymoz next week to ask for her opinion.
The Friday Rosary started today led by our Liturgy Leaders and some of the Y4 children attended it which was lovely to see.
Have a lovely weekend.
Homework Link October 6th Home Learning
Preparing for our role plays to the rest of the class: