Entries by Margaret Joyce

Year 2 Blog Week 23

It has been a very busy week in Year 2! In Religion, we have been learning about the Stations of the Cross. The children focused on describing some of the stations and their stories.  We have glazed our clay pots and we are looking forward to seeing the results of the firing next week!  We […]

Spring 2 Week 3

Our week began with a visit to Church, where we prayed The Stations of the Cross. The children were very respectful and wrote some wonderful reflections in their RE books in class. We are praying The Stations in class together too – please see the photograph below of our RE board. We were also visited […]

Week 8

We’ve had a very exciting week in year 5. The highlight had to be our trip to the Houses of Parliament on Thursday. It was an amazing experience to visit the galleries of both the House of Lords and the House of Commons to watch the debates and questions. The excitement of the children showed […]

Year 6 – 15/03/19

This year for British Science Week, the theme was ‘Journeys’. In Year 6, we focused on the distressing fact that all plastic inevitably journeys to the ocean. Here are some of the shocking facts that we learned: The ocean has a plastic mass that is 6 times the size of the UK; 100% of turtles […]

Week 9

We have had a wonderful week of learning! To begin Science week, we made rockets and learnt about the scientist Mae Jemison. She was the first African-American woman to go into space. We have been learning about lots of different journeys and how we travel. On Celebration morning, we made paper aeroplanes and helicopters with […]

Science Week in Year 4

Year 4 has had a few busy days. As a launch to our Science Week, the children have researched Fernando Magellan and his cruise around the world, located the Spice islands on a map and then talked about the difficulties of such a journey. Also, they discussed the big question for the week: What would […]

Spring Term Week 8 Reception

What a busy week of learning! In RE, Reception have been learning about Lent and how we prepare for Easter by praying to bring us closer to God, by giving to others less fortunate than ourselves and by doing kind things for others. The children wrote their Lenten promises which were used as part of […]

Year 2 Blog Week 22

It has been another fun-filled week of creative learning in Year 2. In Religion, we have been  focusing on our Lenten practices. Lent is a time when we pray, give up treats and do kind things for other people, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter. On Wednesday, KS1 came together for our […]

8th March

This week was another busy week in Year 4.  On Monday, the children discussed their Lenten promises and the importance of praying, fasting and almsgiving.  As we talked about Jesus’ love for us, the children each created a crown of thorns.  It’s a new tradition in which you create a crown (from dough), add thorns […]

Spring 2 Week 7

Another busy week has flown by in Year 5! On Wednesday, we began our Lenten journey as we went to mass at OLSV to receive our ashes. The children behaved reverently throughout and sang beautifully. Today, the children took part in our Lenten assembly where they placed their promise on the wall alongside the rest […]