
Good morning Year 3,

What a busy week this has been – well done everyone.

Here is some of Nathalie’s wonderful preposition learning and her reading record.

This is Matteo’s lovely prayer and very impressive Home Olympics table.

Violet has been busy with her descriptive writing. She also has some new additions to her family!

Here is a virtual hug from Macy.

Gabriela had a lot of fun learning to Lindy Hop with her sister.

I hope you have restful half term.

Take care,

Miss Pringle

Shadow art


There are many ways you can be creative with shadows. Today or over the weekend please try one of these ideas. Don’t forget to share your pictures with me.

Spelling Spelling test – put the short date in your writing book and the numbers 1- 10 in the margin then ask someone to test you on the words you have been practicing all week. Good luck.


Give yourself a percentage out of 100 just as we do in class.


10/10 = 100%      9/10 = 90 %

Reading   Watch and discuss the top stories on Newsround with an adult.


Complete the Mathletics activity set.


WALT use and identify prepositions


preposition is a word or phrase that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.

Using this picture please play ‘Preposition I-spy’ for example – “I spy with my preposition eye, a chess board on a pink rug.”


Spirituality Week

The God who speaks through prayer

Please listen to the guided meditation called ‘Lilies of the Field’ on today’s Spirituality Week blog and answer the reflection questions in your writing book.