Friday 22nd May Learning

Here is your learning today.  Well done for all of your hard work this half term.

Have a wonderful, relaxing half term!

Mrs Carey

PE Make up a sequence of exercises. 5 star jumps. 5 side step, 5 skips, 5 hops and repeat.



Write the short date in your maths book



Count in twos, fives and tens.

Watch the video on Find a half then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your maths book or on the sheet

Friday Maths

Complete page 1 of the Challenge


English Can you remember the actions from The Little Red Hen? Watch the film again.

Retell the story in your writing book. Remember capital letters and full stops. Can you use conjunctions?

and but because

Can you use a question mark and an exclamation mark?

RE Join in with Adoration at OLSV.

Listen to the audio link called Lilies of the Field on today Spirituality page.



Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is a


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

Reading Choose a reading comprehension and complete.



RE Go to today’s Spirituality Page. Watch a Disney film and think about where you find God in the film.