Year 6 – 08/11/19
Well done, Year 6, for a beautiful class mass on Wednesday. Your reading, singing and participation was wonderful and you made me very proud.
This week has been both Parliament Week and Judaism Week. For Parliament Week, we discussed the current political climate, then the children wrote about what issues are important to them and what they would implement if they were Prime Minister. Next week, we will debate some of these issues in front of the House of Commons backdrop.
For Judaism week, we learned why the Torah is the most sacred part of the Jewish Bible and looked at ways Jewish people observe the sacredness of the Torah.
Our maths has been focused on using mental strategies to work out calculations efficiently, as well as using estimation as a checking tool for more complicated calculations.
In science, we made observations about the mould-growing experiment that we set up before half-term. We were very intrigued as to why some of the bread had turned red!
In art, the children learnt how to mono-print their self-portraits and in PE we carried on with football training, this week practising how to receive the ball well.
This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 12th November ) is as follows:
English | You have each been given a sheet with your writing targets on and a story starter underneath. Your task is to write another paragraph of the story whilst focusing on your targets and attempting to use two of the hyphenated spelling words below. |
Spellings | Using hyphens to join compound adjectives to avoid ambiguity:
man-eating little-used rock-bottom wide-eyed pig-headed tight-fisted cold-hearted stone-faced green-eyed short-tempered |
Times tables |
(online) Mathletics tasks on estimating and using mental strategies.
Continue to revise all times tables. |
Reading | Daily reading and recording in Reading Records.
How to complete your reading record As you’re reading, take notice of the language used then. When you’ve finished reading, choose an aspect of language that you really liked, write it into your reading record, and then explain why you found it effective. Things you might comment on: · Effective use of personification; · An effective metaphor; · An example of ‘show don’t tell’ ; · Good use of the semi-colon; · Hyphenation; · Direct speech that develops the characterisation; · Formal language; · A new word whose meaning you worked out from the context. |
Enjoy your weekend.
Miss Donatantonio