Week 9: 8th November, 2019

This week the children have been working hard in many areas of their learning.

In English, they have begun their new unit on Mythical Magic which will be focusing on Roman Myths.  They wrote about their own Gods and Goddesses and will be using these as a writing resource next week.

In Maths the class have been looking at arrays and skip counting.  Using a hundred square they have been discovering patterns when skipping in 3s and 4s and describing the patterns using words such as diagonal, column and row.  The children have also been using the Think 10/100/1000 strategy in answering maths calculations.

In Science they looked at finding patters between the volume of sound and the pitch.  In PE they continued with the focus of invasion games looking at the skill of dribbling.  I can confirm that their skills in this area were fabulous to watch!

In Music the children have continued with Kaz and learnt to follow a round of beats.  Well done to Mia, Lola and Aidan who were chosen to be the leaders when performing this round.

In RE the focus has been on Judasim where the children have learnt about the Torah being the sacred text of the Jewish people and how the Torah refers to the five books of Moses. They also spent time to understand what festivals are connected to the Torah and learnt about Simchat Torah. Simchat Torah celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle.

Homework for this weekend is Mathletics and Spag.com.

We have a Class Mass on the theme of the Eucharist next Tuesday and invite you to come and celebrate this with the children.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

PS: Have you checked out our class video on the Extraordinary Month of Mission?