Friday 28th June 2024
We’ve had a lovely, if not sweaty, week in Year 3!
In English we have continued our unit based on Gregory Cool. This week we planned a sequel and worked on ensuring our speech punctuation skills are accurate. Their characterisation was impressive and I’m sure this will reflect in their final written pieces. In Maths we have now moved onto revisiting multiplication and division, solving problems involving these operations. In Fluency we are continuing to revise our understanding of time and addition and subtraction.
In PE, Mr Mills improved their skills so they can begin to volley a ball. Their overall control is really improving as is their accuracy. Far fewer balls are finding their way into the Peace Garden and Great Slades!
Our RE learning has been looking at the idea of what it means to follow someone or something. The children identified that we can follow teams, media channels, TV shows and people. When considering how we follow Jesus, the children were able to think of ways we can do this in everyday life. They had lots of ideas around helping out at home, including helping make dinner and tidying up.
In Geography, we discovered why New Zealand have so many earthquakes. The children made poplets about tectonic places and layers of the earth to help explain.
We look forward to meeting with you next week. If you have not yet made an appointment, please do so.
I am sure that you are aware via the newsletter but congratulations to our Year 3 finalists who took part in the HfL (Hertfordshire for Learning) Maths Challenge last week. One of the Year 3 groups got through to the final heat in which 165 schools participated. We were informed on Monday that our group – Lucas, Noemi, Dafne, Christian and Hugo did extremely well achieving second place! We are SO proud of them – a difficult challenge to undertake and to come in the top three above the other schools is fantastic!
Have a great weekend
Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara
Home Learning
Spellings and SPaG on spellingshed
Mathletics and TTRs
Read and remember to bring in your reading book and reading log on your allotted day!