Friday 21st April 2023
Welcome back! We hope you and your family had a restful Easter break.
This week, Year 6 have begun a revision programme to support them in preparing for the upcoming tests. The children have been fantastic in identifying their areas for development and have shown a really mature attitude to their learning and subject knowledge.
In RE we have looked at the resurrection story using Matthew’s gospel. In English, we watched an animation called Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors. The writing outcomes based on this have been really impressive and incorporated so many of the skills we have learnt this year.
We were lucky enough to be able to use the field this week for PE. We looked at throwing for accuracy.
This afternoon members of the choir joined many members of the Our Lady and St Vincent community to congratulate Sr Margaret on her 60 years of being a Sister of Mercy. The children were given a thank you gift for their lovely singing which was complimented by many of the people there including Sr Margaret. The children in class wrote special prayers and thank yous to Sr Margaret and some of these are on display in the church porch area. Do have a look at these when you have time .
We give thanks to Sr Margaret’s sixty years of religious life – sharing the love of God with those whom she has served over the years. With grateful hearts, we ask God to continue to bless her and allow her to continue to serve Him in love. Amen.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara
Home Learning:
For a whole school display, please can your child bring in a picture of themselves which will be photocopied and returned. Thank you.
Spellings on spelling shed. activities set
Some revision support: see below
Maths: Look back over this last week’s revision aids that we have used in class (see the class blogs section) and ensure you have understood the questions covered.
Log onto your Mathletics account and see what activities have been set for you.
TTRS – log on and ensure your recall speed is improving!!