SATs revision: Relative Clauses

Click below for the PowerPoint on relative clauses:

Relative clauses

SATs revision: Determiners

Click below for the PowerPoint on Determiners:


Year 6 Home Learning – 20/04/18

Due Tuesday 24th April

English SPaG: – KS2 SATs Grammar Test (D)

Reading: spend minimum 30 mins on

Spellings identify which spelling rule you need to revise, then use this website to practise

Times tables

CGP Year 6 book pp. 76-79 (Year Six Objectives Test)
Reading Daily reading and write-up in reading record.

Parent Signature required (at least once a week please).

Year 6 – 29/03/18

What a busy final fortnight of the term! Last week was Computing Week, during which we enjoyed an e-Safety workshop and a coding workshop. Thank you Ms Davey for organising these.

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The children had their final two football sessions and on Tuesday played a class tournament where they applied all the skills that they had acquired over the previous four weeks. Well done to The Gunners on your victory!

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In maths this week, the class have been focusing on multiplying and dividing fractions, which they then applied to some challenging contextual problems.

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In English, Y6 have spent the week revising SPaG features. On Monday, they worked in teams to write a paragraph and label it to show which features they had used. On Tuesday, they became the teachers and in pairs marked a SPaG paper ridden with errors. This generated some impressive discussion and it transpired that the children are harsh markers! On Wednesday, they made learning posters to highlight and clarify all the misconceptions that came to the surface the previous day.

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Well done Y6 for your consistent hard work this term; it has certainly flown by since Christmas! Have a good rest over the holidays and come back fully refreshed for the final push before SATs!

Home Learning

Today you received two booklets to be completed over the Easter holidays: 10-4-10 Maths and 10-4-10 SPaG. Please spend 10 minutes each day – Monday to Friday – working through each of these. Spend another couple of minutes each day marking the questions (answer files below) and use your CGP revision books to go over topics that you are finding more challenging. I will also be keeping an eye on Read Theory and Prodigy Maths and awarding Dojo points!

10-4-10 Maths Expected Level – Questions

10-4-10 Maths Expected Level – Answers

10-4-10 Maths Above Expected Level – Questions

10-4-10 Maths Expected Level – Answers

10-4-10 SPaG Expected Level – Questions

10-4-10 SPaG Expected Level – Answers


Year 6 – 16/03/18

Over the past few weeks, Year 6 have been enjoying having the opportunity to have football training with a coach from Arsenal club, which will continue until the end of term. They have been focusing on the ABCS of football: agility, balance, co-ordination and speed. It has been fantastic to see them having so much fun whilst honing their skills. Thank you to Miss Pringle for setting this up.

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Well done to everyone who dressed up for our belated World Book Day. The children spent time with their reading partners and later attempted to recreate the front cover of their current reading book in the style of illustrator Quentin Blake – a tricky task!

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This week for British Science Week, we visited Affinity Water Treatment Works in Bushey. The children enjoyed going into the treatment plant to learn about the process of water falling as rain to it coming out of our taps to be drunk. They also had a session working in groups to design and construct a water pipe network to supply a town with water. Everyone held their breaths as their systems were filled with water and they waited to see how the water would flow through the town! It was a great challenge and the children showed impressive problem solving skills.

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Science week ended with our celebration morning Reptile Challenge, whereby the children had to use just card and glue to construct a 3-dimensional reptile. They certainly rose to the challenge!

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Some of the Year 6s represented Pope Paul at Tuesday’s Sports Hall Athletics competition at Dame Alice Owen. Fantastic sportsmanship, encouragement and talent were shown by all and it was a privilege to accompany them.

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Click here for this week’s home learning.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

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Week 21

It was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultations- thank you for your continued support!

The week started with the much anticipated World Book Day. What a wonderful array of book characters we had in Reception!  During the day, the children shared their favourite stories with each other, spent time reading with their Year six reading partners and participated in the whole school special World Book Day assembly.

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The children have been learning about Fairtrade, what it means when you see the Fairtrade symbol and how it is making a difference to lives around the globe.


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In RE this week, Reception learnt story of  Palm Sunday. They made their own palm leaves and acted the story out as a whole class.











Wishing you all a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday,

The Reception Team





Year 6 – 23/02/18

It has been a busy first week back doing SATs papers, but Year 6 have managed to get out of the classroom multiple times this week.

In Science, the children carried on their learning about Charles Darwin by imitating his research into bugs and their habitats. We went outside and looked closely at the insects we could find.

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In PE, the children worked together to complete problem solving and team building challenges.

IMG_0060IMG_0061IMG_0062IMG_0063IMG_0064IMG_0065On Friday afternoon, we had the opportunity to see and hold the newly-hatched chicks in Reception!

IMG_0067 IMG_0068 IMG_0069 IMG_0070 IMG_0071 IMG_0072 IMG_0073 IMG_0074 IMG_0075 IMG_0076Y6 also had their Lenten class mass at the church this week. They led the mass beautifully and with so much reverence, for which they received compliments from parishioners.

In recognition of the importance of prayer during Lent, the children designed their own acts of worship. On Thursday afternoon, Jess, Ellie and Meghan led us in a very reflective act of worship on the theme of forgiveness, and on Friday afternoon, Harvey, Anya and Grace brought the week to a close by allowing us to think about the things in our lives we are thankful for. I look forward to seeing the rest next week.

Click here for this week’s home learning letter.

Enjoy your weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Donatantonio