Merry Christmas

Our final week was filled with festive fun. On Wednesday, the children tucked into their Christmas lunches and enjoyed our class party afterwards. I hope to share some photos soon, once I have sorted out the technical difficulties!

Thank you for your kind and generous gifts. I have loved working with your children this term and look forward to welcoming them back in the New Year.

Wishing you a joyful Christmas,


Mrs Lines

Autumn 2 Week 6

Another week has flown by in Year 5.It’s hard to believe it’s Friday again! Today was very exciting and it was wonderful to see the children in their festive jumpers! They really looked the part for meeting Santa!

Also this week, we made angels of hope from clay. We will paint them next week and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

Research how Christians in another country celebrates Christmas. You can make a poster or a PowerPoint. We will be sharing these with the rest of the class throughout the week. You could include the following:


Are gifts given? When? By Whom?

·         Which special foods are eaten? Do certain foods hold any symbolism?

·         What season of the year is it? What will the weather be like?

·         Do Christians from around the world go to Church on Christmas Day?

·         What rituals will be part of the liturgy for Christmas Day?

·         Is there a Father Christmas?

·         Customs regarding decorations – trees, cards, wreaths

·         How to say Merry Christmas in the local language


This is due in on Wednesday 16th December

Autumn 2 Week 5

We were green fingered in Year 5 this week as we weeded our class flower bed and planted bulbs. We are looking forward to seeing them bloom in the spring.

We completed our learning on mental strategies to multiply and divided this week. To finish off, Year 5 sorted a variety of calculations into piles to show which was the best way to solve it.

We have continued our journey of Advent and have been learning about the Gospels of the season. Remember to access the Wednesday word for more activities on these:


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home learning:




Spellings (tion suffix week 5) (10 tests

Autumn 2 Week 4

Another week has flown by in Year 5. Our maths learning has focused on mental multiplication strategies and the children have been able to use their facts well. Remember to keep practising those times tables at home- fast recall of these will support the children enormously. Next week we will look at some division strategies.
In RE, Year 5 have been learning about a prayer form called Lectio Divina. I was pleased to see how much they concentrated and learned from Scripture in today’s act of worship.
We have continued with hockey this week and the children’s skills are improving. Their passing is becoming more accurate and they are beginning to tackle.
Home learning will be a whole school activity this week. Please see the details below. Due to this, there will be no other home learning other than spellings, which will continue as normal. Please also find below the link to the Wednesday Word, which can only be viewed digitally at this time.
Wednesday Word Link:

Autumn 1 Week 3

It was anti bullying week this week and this year’s theme is ‘United Against Bullying’. Year 5 had great ideas about how they can play their part to stop bullying and make a change for good.
We also spent time looking at why people bully and their feelings of everyone involved, from the victim and their family to the bystander.
On Wednesday, Fr Shaun visited us to lead us in a mass about trust. He reminded us that we should show love to others to build their trust in us. This was a particularly important message to reflect on this week. Thank you to Fr Shaun for joining us and allowing us to celebrate the Eucharist at this time.
On Thursday, the children took part in some outdoor learning about hedgerows and then created nature mandalas inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Lines
Home Learning
Spellings- Week 3 – 10 tests

Autumn 1 Week 2

This week, Year 5 continued to remember those we have lost and participated beautifully in the 2 minute silence on Wednesday. We also took time to pray at our remembrance area of the playground that had been decorated with poppies made by KS1.

We have kept active this week with karate, hockey and today we learnt the rules of new games the children could play at lunchtime.

We also concluded our science learning on life cycles. The children investigated gestation periods and tried to discover if they could make links between that and other aspects of the animal. For example, does a longer gestation period mean a longer life? In preparation of our next science topic, please send in pictures of your child a different stages of their childhood so we can identify the changes they have been through.

Home Learning:


Spellings week 2






Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful half term. This week we have begun our new English unit on Ernest Shackleton’s  expedition on the Endurance. The children have been captivated by this survival story and even wrote letters of application, explaining why they would be an asset the the voyage. In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. We have worked hard to understand the place value change that happens and have applied this knowledge to multiply decimals.

Along with the rest of the school, Year 5 learnt about Judaism for Other Faith Week. We focused on Bar and Bat Mitzvah’s and what this right of passage means to a Jewish child.

In PE, Year 5 have been learning about possession and passing in hockey. They have learnt how to hold the stick correctly and move the ball with ease.

During our Karate lesson, Sensei challenged the children to see how many kicks they could do. Our champion was Freddie with a whopping 43!We’re hoping it will be the school record.

On Wednesday, Year 5 went outside and learnt how to measure the size and age of a tree.

Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:



Spellings Week 1- New sheets have been given.

Readtheory- 10 tests



Autumn 1 Week 8

It was a busy final week of our first half term in Year 5. It’s hard to believe it has been over 7 weeks since we first came back to school! This week, we completed our river stories, and I was really impressed with the result. Year 5 were able to create fantastic descriptions and well-punctuated dialogue.
It was also One World Week and we focused on Iceland. We learnt about the human and physical geography of the country and found out more about glaciers. Using pastels, Year 5 created some fantastic northern lights pictures.
Today would ordinarily be our celebration morning and our classroom filled with parents. It was a real shame not to have you all with us for our harvest festival. Year 5 took part in an act of worship and placed their donations on our own harvest table. Thank you for your generosity.
It has been fantastic to have the children back at school over the past half term and they have all worked incredibly hard. I hope you all enjoy a restful half term and I look forward to welcoming the children back on the 3rd of November.
Mrs Lines

Autumn 1 Week 7

Another week has flown by in Year 5. It was wonderful to speak to so many of you during Parent Consultations and talk about how the children are settling back into school. If you did not manage to get an appointment, please contact the school office so that we can arrange a telephone consultation.

We have begun writing our river stories this week. Our focus has been on dialogue punctuation, paragraphing and setting description. The children have worked hard to produce engaging stories and have improved their editing skills. I look forward to seeing the end result next week. In maths, we have progressed in our place value to understand decimals. The children have enjoyed reading and writing them, as well as regrouping them in different ways.

Archipelagos were our focus in Geography this week. Our current study of volcanoes has taken us to Iceland, and more specifically, the Westman Islands. Being an archipelago, we investigated where else in Europe they could be found. Next week, it is One World Week. To fit in with our current unit, we will be studying Iceland.


Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:



Spellings Week 6

Autumn 1 Week 6

In maths this week, we have begun learning about negative numbers. The children have been counting forwards and backwards across 0 and reading a range of negative number scales. In English, Year 5 have been improving their grammar and punctuation skills by using modal verbs, punctuating dialogue and varying sentence starters. These will be put to good use next week when we write our end of unit narrative set on a river.

In PE, we have begun looking at invasion games. Our focus this week was football. In the final two weeks, we will be doing rugby and hockey. It was great to take part in karate again this on Wednesday and learn new poses.

We had a wonderful time outside. Unfortunately, as the light drizzle turned to rain, we made our way inside.


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home Learning:



Readtheory (10 tests)

Spellings  (Week 5)