Autumn 1 Week 6

In maths this week, we have begun learning about negative numbers. The children have been counting forwards and backwards across 0 and reading a range of negative number scales. In English, Year 5 have been improving their grammar and punctuation skills by using modal verbs, punctuating dialogue and varying sentence starters. These will be put to good use next week when we write our end of unit narrative set on a river.

In PE, we have begun looking at invasion games. Our focus this week was football. In the final two weeks, we will be doing rugby and hockey. It was great to take part in karate again this on Wednesday and learn new poses.

We had a wonderful time outside. Unfortunately, as the light drizzle turned to rain, we made our way inside.


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home Learning:



Readtheory (10 tests)

Spellings  (Week 5)