
Good morning Y3,

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s learning, I know that a lot of you enjoyed the music activity. Here is today’s learning 18.6.20

Take care,

Miss Pringle



Good Morning Y3,

Here is your learning for today 17.6.20

Take care,

Miss Pringle



Good morning Y3,

I hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is today’s learning 15.6.20

Here are the maths answers for last weeks learning Lesson-1-Answers-The-4-and-8-times-tables-2019

Take care,

Miss Pringle



Good Morning Y3,

I hope you enjoy today’s learning and have a lovely weekend.

Miss Pringle

Here is Sophie’s writing.

Ela-Maria has been busy keeping fit and walking with her family.

Here are Nathalie, Alfie and Angela’s Creatures!

This is how Monica imagined the inside of the Beasts tree house.

Here is today’s learning:




Please look back over your previous spelling tests and revise any words that you may have spelt incorrectly. Make yourself flash cards and highlight tricky parts of the words to help you learn them.



Write a short story about the creature you created yesterday. Think about where they might live, what they might do and who they might be friends with. Be descriptive and used noun phrases and prepositions to interest the reader.



Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.





Please go onto maths chase and practice the 3, 4 and 8 timetables.  https://www.mathschase.com/all-games/
 Get active!  Please complete the June activities for today and over the weekend. You can find them here.



Please complete one of the wellbeing activities.




Good morning Year 3,

I am so pleased that I have been able to speak to so many of you all this week and that you are all well. If I have left you a message I will en-devour call again soon. Thank you for emailing me with your news and learning.

Here is a selection of photographs I have received this week for you to enjoy.

Take care,

Miss Pringle


Here is today’s learning:





Spelling  – ly – Suffix

Please ask someone to test you on this weeks spelling words and practise any that you might spell incorrectly.





Create a Creature using these guidelines:


I can’t wait to see your creation!





Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx


Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.






Please complete questions 5 – 9 (on the 8x tables) today on this document Year 3_Lesson-1-The-4-and-8-times-tables-2019 (1)


 Get active!  Please complete the June activities for today and over the weekend. You can find them here.




For this week, your afternoon learning will focus on wellbeing as we have had lots of feedback to say that this is an area you would like more activities on.  Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities.







Good morning Year 3,

I hope you are having a good week, it was lovely to speak to some of you yesterday.

I will be making calls again today and look forward to speaking to those of you I haven’t spoken to yet.

Take care,

Miss Pringle





Spelling Rule 8 – ly – Spelling Frame















Please play the spelling tile games for the word list above found on this website: 






Story starter!

The creaky, old doors had not been opened for years. The beast had always lived inside, but nobody dared to visit. Noises that echoed from the gaps in the door had haunted those who heard them. Nobody knew what the narrow, mossy steps led to. Nobody knew what was lurking within.

One day, the heavy, wooden doors slowly began to open with a groan…


Activities based on this story starter:

1. Perfect picture!

Imagine the camera zooms out, and you can see the entire tree. What does the rest of the tree house look like? What does it look like inside?

Draw or write down what you have imagined.

2.Sentence challenge!

Write one of these conjunctions in each space to complete the sentences. Use each word once.

as              however                and

Ben ____________ Claire said the beast was terrifying.

Jane, ____________, liked him ____________ he was kind to her.






Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.





Please complete questions Q1 – 4 (8 times tables) today on this document:

Year 3_Lesson-1-The-4-and-8-times-tables-2019 (1)

PE Complete today’s daily challenge here




For this week, your afternoon learning will focus on wellbeing as we have had lots of feedback to say that this is an area you would like more activities on.  Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities.




Good morning Year 3,

It was lovely to speak to some of you yesterday. If I haven’t called you yet I promise to do so over the next few days.

Here is today’s learning.

Have a good day,

Miss Pringle





Spelling Rule 8 – ly – Spelling Frame















Please play the spelling tile games for the word list above found on this website: 






Story starter!

The creaky, old doors had not been opened for years. The beast had always lived inside, but nobody dared to visit. Noises that echoed from the gaps in the door had haunted those who heard them. Nobody knew what the narrow, mossy steps led to. Nobody knew what was lurking within.

One day, the heavy, wooden doors slowly began to open with a groan…


Question Time Continued: 

If you lived in a village nearby, would you approach the door and meet the beast?

What do you think the beast is like?

What does the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ mean? Could this apply to the beast?

If you were the beast, would you want to go out and meet people or would you prefer to hide away?

Remember to write in full sentences please. 





Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.





Please complete questions 5 – 9 today on this document

Year 3_Lesson-1-The-4-and-8-times-tables-2019 (1)








Follow this online drawing tutorial to learn how to draw a cool monster!






For this week, your afternoon learning will focus on wellbeing as we have had lots of feedback to say that this is an area you would like more activities on.  Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities.




Good morning Y3,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to today’s learning. I will be making phone calls home this week and look forward to speaking to you. Remember you can contact and share your work with me at year3@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Take care,

Miss Pringle






Spelling Rule 8 – ly – Spelling Frame















Use spelling frame to learn this word list with the suffix ( ending) ly. Remember that if the root word ends in y, in most cases you change it to an i and add ly; For example happy becomes happily.








Story starter!

The creaky, old doors had not been opened for years. The beast had always lived inside, but nobody dared to visit. Noises that echoed from the gaps in the door had haunted those who heard them. Nobody knew what the narrow, mossy steps led to. Nobody knew what was lurking within.

One day, the heavy, wooden doors slowly began to open with a groan…

Question Time – remember to answer in full sentences.

Who might live inside the tree?

What would the house look like? Who put the sign on the door?

What do the local people think about the beast living inside?

Is the lamp ever lit?

Does the beast have neighbours?

Does the beast live alone?





Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx


Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.






Please complete questions 1 – 4 today on this document

The-4-and-8-times-tables 8.6.20




Big Question




In your writing book list the positives and negatives of this question:

What if toothbrushes didn’t exist?

 You might like to consider these questions;

  • Do you need to use a toothbrush to clean your teeth?
  • Why is a toothbrush a useful tool?
  • What could you use instead of a toothbrush?
  • What might happen to your teeth without a toothbrush?




For this week, your afternoon learning will focus on wellbeing as we have had lots of feedback to say that this is an area you would like more activities on.  Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities.

Wellbeing Week activities




Good Morning Y3,

I hope you have had a lovely week and that you have a restful weekend.

At school, we have been busy completing the blog learning.  Eric and Johanna have also finished some excellent stitching, while Tymon has drawn an excellent image of Fantastic Mr Fox. We have also planted tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, courgettes and broccoli.

Ela-Maria has also been busy in the garden planting vegetables, reading and completing the daily exercise challenges.

Here is today’s learning.

Take care,

Miss Pringle



June activity calendar.

Please open the June activity calendar here and complete today’s activity. There are challenges for Saturday and Sunday too. On Sunday count up how many medals you have won!


Spelling Please ask someone to test you on this weeks world list and give yourself a percentage out of 100%
English I have set you two https://www.spag.com/ activities to complete.


Read for at least 15 min and record your reading in your reading record.



WALT compare, shade and find fractions.


Mathletics activities have been set for you to complete today.


Curriculum blog


Please open the curriculum blog here

and select an activity to complete.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle