Good morning Year 3,
I hope you are having a good week, it was lovely to speak to some of you yesterday.
I will be making calls again today and look forward to speaking to those of you I haven’t spoken to yet.
Take care,
Miss Pringle
Spelling Rule 8 – ly – Spelling Frame
sadly usually completely finally comically happily angrily gently simply humbly nobly basically dramatically Please play the spelling tile games for the word list above found on this website: https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/13/8-The-suffix-ly |
![]() Story starter! The creaky, old doors had not been opened for years. The beast had always lived inside, but nobody dared to visit. Noises that echoed from the gaps in the door had haunted those who heard them. Nobody knew what the narrow, mossy steps led to. Nobody knew what was lurking within. One day, the heavy, wooden doors slowly began to open with a groan…
Activities based on this story starter: 1. Perfect picture!Imagine the camera zooms out, and you can see the entire tree. What does the rest of the tree house look like? What does it look like inside? Draw or write down what you have imagined. 2.Sentence challenge!Write one of these conjunctions in each space to complete the sentences. Use each word once. as however and Ben ____________ Claire said the beast was terrifying. Jane, ____________, liked him ____________ he was kind to her.
Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx
Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk Password:Parents20! Use the Teacher Login area. |
Please complete questions Q1 – 4 (8 times tables) today on this document:
Year 3_Lesson-1-The-4-and-8-times-tables-2019 (1) |
PE | Complete today’s daily challenge here |
For this week, your afternoon learning will focus on wellbeing as we have had lots of feedback to say that this is an area you would like more activities on. Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities.