Good morning Year 3,
I am so pleased that I have been able to speak to so many of you all this week and that you are all well. If I have left you a message I will en-devour call again soon. Thank you for emailing me with your news and learning.
Here is a selection of photographs I have received this week for you to enjoy.
Take care,
Miss Pringle
Here is today’s learning:
Spelling – ly – Suffix
Please ask someone to test you on this weeks spelling words and practise any that you might spell incorrectly. |
Create a Creature using these guidelines:
I can’t wait to see your creation! |
Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read. You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx
Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk Password:Parents20! Use the Teacher Login area.
Please complete questions 5 – 9 (on the 8x tables) today on this document Year 3_Lesson-1-The-4-and-8-times-tables-2019 (1)
Get active! | Please complete the June activities for today and over the weekend. You can find them here. |
For this week, your afternoon learning will focus on wellbeing as we have had lots of feedback to say that this is an area you would like more activities on. Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities.