Friday 12th July 2024



This week, the clear highlight was Fun Day. The children had a fabulous time playing games, getting tattoos, bouncing on the bouncy castle, go karting and eating treats! We played bingo with an interactive app.  Click here for the link as the children asked me to post this.  Snakes and Ladders was a firm favourite also alongside the dice game that was played too.  The children also used their timetable and division knowledge to solve the football themed challenge.  The class have also been working on their wallet/purse designs and learning how to sew using the running stitch and backstitch.  We also had Giovana with us these last few days as she has been on her work experience week.  As a past pupil, the children were delighted to hear she came to the school and had chosen to come back here for this week.



Next week, school finishes at 1pm on Friday 19th July. We will be sending home books and various art projects so please send your child in with a strong bag from Monday.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara



Friday 5th July, 2024

Another busy week in Year 3 this week!

It was our whole school photograph this morning so the school was buzzing with excitement. Also, thank you so much for your chocolate donations today.  If you have forgotten, please bring in your donation early next week.

In Science the children have explored how water is transported to the different parts of the plant. They first worked in groups and created a human model of how water is taken to the flowers and leaves. Next, they did an experiment to find out how they can ‘see’  that water is sucked up through the stem and then the stem passes water on to the leaves and flowers.



Unfortunately, only two children remembered to bring into school their sunflower that they have been growing at home.  Please can your child bring to school ON MONDAY their sunflower as we would like to measure how tall they have grown.  Thank you! They will be sent back home with your child.

In Maths, we have continued to look back at division and multiplication, practising the inverse to check our answers. English this week has continued to build final pieces for a Gregory Cool sequel.  In RE the children have been looking at what it means to be a follower of Jesus; in RSE they have looked at considering financial stewardship through budgeting activities and discussions about the pros and cons of different payment methods, and learning about financial risks. In PE the children have continued with their lessons in tennis, learning how to improve their serve.

On Wednesday we were treated to a guitar concert. Well done to Hugo for representing Year 3!


Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Home Learning:

For those children who need some more time to complete their Home Learning from Thursday, please bring in your final pieces by Tuesday.9th July.

arithmetic Year 3   Complete the arithmetic using the link provided.

TTRS – log on and complete the 4, 8 and 10 timestables.

spellingshed- spellings and SPaG.

Friday 5th July, 2024



Click below for your Maths Learning



Learning 4th July 2024

Good morning, Year 3.

For your learning today, please spend time on Spellingshed to practise for your test on Friday. Please also log in to Mathletics and complete the tasks set.

We would also like to you to complete some research. The 2024 Olympics begins in Paris on the 24th July. Please research an athlete of your choice who will be competing. Find out where they are from, what their sport is, if they have won any medals before, what it takes to be an Olympic athlete and any other interesting facts about them. You can present your information however you like. Maybe make a poster or possibly a PowerPoint presentation.

See you all tomorrow

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Friday 28th June 2024

We’ve had a lovely, if not sweaty, week in Year 3!

In English we have continued our unit based on Gregory Cool. This week we planned a sequel and worked on ensuring our speech punctuation skills are accurate. Their characterisation was impressive and I’m sure this will reflect in their final written pieces. In Maths we have now moved onto revisiting multiplication and division, solving problems involving these operations.  In Fluency we are continuing to revise our understanding of time and addition and subtraction.

In PE, Mr Mills improved their skills so they can begin to volley a ball. Their overall control is really improving as is their accuracy. Far fewer balls are finding their way into the Peace Garden and Great Slades!

Our RE learning has been looking at the idea of what it means to follow someone or something. The children identified that we can follow teams, media channels, TV shows and people. When considering how we follow Jesus, the children were able to think of ways we can do this in everyday life. They had lots of ideas around helping out at home, including helping make dinner and tidying up.

In Geography, we discovered why New Zealand have so many earthquakes. The children made poplets about tectonic places and layers of the earth to help explain.

We look forward to meeting with you next week. If you have not yet made an appointment, please do so.

I am sure that you are aware via the newsletter but congratulations to our Year 3 finalists who took part in the HfL (Hertfordshire for Learning) Maths Challenge last week.  One of the Year 3 groups got through to the final heat in which 165 schools participated.  We were informed on Monday that our group – Lucas, Noemi, Dafne, Christian and Hugo did extremely well achieving second place!  We are SO proud of them – a difficult challenge to undertake and to come in the top three above the other schools is fantastic!


Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Spellings and SPaG on spellingshed

Mathletics and TTRs

Read and remember to bring in your reading book and reading log on your allotted day!

Friday 21st June, 2024

This week has whizzed by!

As part of Other Faith Week, we focused on The Greek Orthodox faith and on Monday afternoon visited The Twelve Apostles Church in Brookman’s Park.  Fr Demetriano made us feel very welcome talking to us about the lovely church and the special icons etc that we saw there. The number of paintings, stained glass windows and icons were  magnificent.  The children gazed at them in wonder and awe.  The children learnt that the area where the priest celebrates the majority of the services lies beyond the icon screen (or Iconostasis) and is the Sanctuary. This is where the Altar Table is situated, as well as the Table of Oblation, where the Holy Gifts are prepared before their Liturgy begins.

This morning after assembly, Fr Demetriano visited our school to talk to us about the similarities and differences between our faiths.

On Tuesday we celebrated Sports Day in the afternoon.  Alongside the fabulous weather the children took part with enthusiasm and were full of energy and fun. A huge thank you to all of the staff who helped ensure that the afternoon ran as smoothly as possible and a special shout out to Miss Pringle who organised a very successful Sports Day.



The children are doing their Plants Topic in Science for the remainder of the term and have started to grow sunflowers.  Please encourage your child to keep a record of the height of their sunflower each week and I would like them to bring their sunflowers back into school on Monday 8th July to see how they are growing and to compare results with the rest of the class!  They will of course be returned to your homes to be cared for and replanted in your own gardens.  In Maths, we are moving onto a new area of learning.  The children have worked hard on their understanding of time over the last few weeks -please use as many opportunities for them to practise what they understand about this area of learning. They have been working hard to tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and the 12 hour and 24 – hour clocks. We also revisited our work on digital devices this afternoon and as part of the work we chatted about cyber attacks and about when criminals try to steal our online information without our permission.  They were introduced to a website that introduces them to a password checker tool.  T`he children asked if I could post the link we used to check to see what makes a secure password. The link is here.




Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:



Spelling Shed

Keep a record f the height of your sunflower for the next few weeks.  (Please return your sunflower to school on Monday 8th  July)





Friday 14th June, 2024

This week has been ‘Healthy Eating Week: Give it a Go!’ and in Year 3 the class have been busy on following the themes of:

  • Get at least 5 A DAY
  • Stay hydrated
  • Move more
  • Focus on fibre
  • Reduce food waste

On Wednesday the children designed their own smoothies and created a smoothie that contained apple juice, banana, apple, spinach and wild berries.  We were impressed that many children tried all ingredients!


In Maths the children have continued to revisit addition and subtraction work in fluency ensuring they can check their answers to calculations using the inverse and in our main maths work, we have returned to reading the time displayed on both analogue and digital clocks.

In English, we read the text Gregory Cool. It is a story about a boy who goes to spend four weeks with his grandparents in Tobago. We discussed character feelings and built up our inference skills.

In RE the children have started their topic work on Discipleship learning about Mark the gospel writer.

In our light topic in Science, the children also recognised that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object.

We received the results from last week’s Hertfordshire’s Maths Challenge. Well done to Noemi, Dafne, Christian, Hugo and Lucas who are now going through to the next round!

Wishing you and your families a good weekend.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:


TTRs ….practise 3, 4, 8 times tables please.

Spelling shed- spellings and spag activity.

Friday 7th June, 2024

This week has been a busy one upon our return from half term.

The children have embraced their learning well.

In Maths the children have been learning about 3-D shapes and they have had many opportunities to create 3-D shapes and describe them using vocabulary such as faces, vertices and edges.  We have spoken about a cuboid, prism, sphere, cylinder, square-based pyramids to name a few and each day the children have had the opportunity to make their own 3-D shapes.

Photo Album 3D shapes

In RE our focus has been the Blessed Sacrament and the children have spent time learning about St Dominic Savia (who had a deep devotion to the eucharist) and Blessed Imelda (who longed to receive the Eucharist from the time she was a very young child).  The children have designed their own monstrances, learning that the monstrance is an important part of Eucharistic Adoration and today, they had the privilege of leading the Blessed Sacrament Procession to the church.

Blessed Sacrament Procession ppt


Yesterday, two teams of children from Year 3 took part in the Hertfordshire Maths Challenge.  This is a friendly, online, inter-school competition that gives the children the opportunity to apply their mathematics knowledge and teamwork skills to solve problems and answer challenging questions, putting their reasoning skills to the test. Well done to the two teams.  We await their results from the Hertfordshire Maths Team.

From next week, our PE days will be Tuesdays (Tennis) and Thursdays,  so the children need to come in PE kits on these days please.

Tuesday, 11th June 2024 is Sports Day. Your child will need to be in their PE kit, wear a sun hat and have their water bottle! Ks2 events start in the afternoon and finish shortly before the end of the day @ 3.15pm.

Next week is also Healthy Eating week, so the class will be participating in daily events as well as food tasting and will learn about the 5 ways of keeping healthy. Contributions towards these events can be made via School Comms.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:


TTRs – please log on and practise your timestables.

Spelling Shed


Friday 24th May, 2024

This week was Spirituality Week, a special week in which the class, along with the rest of the school, participated in various activities aimed at fostering stillness and connection with themselves, nature, and God. We thank Miss Donatantonio for her hard work in preparing these wonderful activities for the children which they have thoroughly enjoyed and thank the Year 6 children who lead the prayer station activities.

Click here to see some of the photos from the week.

This week we have had a past student, Ruby, on work experience in our class.  The children have enjoyed having her  support during their class work and during their morning and lunchtime breaks.

On Wednesday it was lovely to see so many children attend the international Pentecost celebration.  Thank you so much to the parents in Year 3 who prepared a dish to celebrate their culture for the rest of us to enjoy!

In Maths the children have continued their work on time in reading time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute.  They have also been working on telling and writing the time from an analogue clock.  This has included being able to use Roman numerals from I to XII. If you have any opportunities during the half-term to revisit this work with your child that would be wonderful!

In PE the children have continued to practise their running, throwing and jumping skills for our forth coming Sports Day and today we celebrated our Feast Day with a lovely mass followed by a refreshing ice lolly. Thank you to Matilda and Ayrabella who brought up the offertory during mass.

Well done also goes out to those children in our class who took part in the Oakmere Mini Marathon!  The children returned to school delighted with their efforts. We are so proud of them.


Wishing you and your families a wonderful half term break.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Friday 17th May 2024

This week in Year 3, the children have finished off their speeches and have begun a short narrative based on the animation Marshmallows. They have been working on creating setting descriptions using prepositional phrases. Next week, we will be describing the monster so perhaps you could watch together with your child and talk about some interesting words or phrases.


In Geography, Year 3 have explored why rainforests are so hot and wet. They also created their own climate graph for a town in the Amazon basin.

In PE, we have continued to build skills in cricket with a focus on batting this week and for our second PE lesson, started to practise for Sports Day.  The children were to practise their jumping, throwing and sprinting techniques.

Click here for photos.

In Science the children looked at recognising that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. They did their own research about the sun and created their own informative poster to teach others the importance of protecting themselves.

Pentecost has continued to be our RE focus, thinking about how St Paul himself was a Pentecost person. We have also considered how spreading the word of God started with Jesus, then the disciples, followed by the Gospel writers and is now down to us today.

Please remember that we will be celebrating our school’s Feast Day Mass in school on Friday, 24th May at 2pm; everyone is welcome!


Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

More photos are being uploaded this weekend of the children’s art work from this week and last week and PE from this week but we are experiencing a technical difficulty!  Please log back in to see them.  Thank you!

Home Learning

Spellings on spellingshed

SPaG activity on spellingshed
