Week 5 w/b 03.10.22
Thank you to Year 5 who led us in an assembly on St. Francis today. The children enjoyed listening to you and they remembered lots of the facts back in class. In Religion this week Year 1 have been recapping the creation story, praying the Rosary, learning about St. Francis and understanding that God created us all and wants us to be happy.
Year 1 will not have set reading days so please remember to have reading folders in daily so we can read and change books. Please continue to use the class library loan box for books to read to your child. Thank you to all the parents who helped organise and contribute to this.
Please see the school trip letter that was sent out this week for trip information.
Enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday,
Miss Lambie
Home learning
• https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zndc96f/articles/zp4sydm The children enjoyed their learning on seasons this week so I said I would add the quiz to their home learning.
• Phase 4 I spy has been sent home for consolidation of the learning this week; there is no need to hand this back to me as it is additional support for home. It can be challenging to hear the clusters in some of the words and they are being spelt and read incorrectly e.g. wet instead of went and jumt instead of jump. Tricky words we focused on this week: said, so, (phase 4) he, she, me, we, be (revised phase 3).
• Mathletics has been set but you also have free access to all games and challenges within it.
• Spelling Shed Phase 3 revision has been set and you also have free access to other games and sounds. I have emailed Spelling Shed about some of the queries and challenges some of you have mentioned this week.
• As always, daily reading and revising phonic sounds.
Additional home learning links to support Year 1
I have compiled a list of additional home learning sites that parents may wish to use to support and challenge your children further if the home learning I have set is not loading or working for you then you always have alternatives:
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/ counting You are able to select Maths and English games in different levels
- https://www.ictgames.com/ Maths and English games
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p Has every curriculum area support if there is something your child is finding challenging or if they want to develop an interest further.
- https://thirdspacelearning.com/blog/maths-games-ks1/#2-2-number-game-total-of-10- This contains videos on how to play some of the maths games so this one is very useful for family fun home learning. I am happy to lend out resources if needed.
- https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/22/most-popular Maths Frame contains interactive games.
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB5TN0ac12P_p1yZu7bieuGfK8X5pptza Oxford Owl has a playlist on you tube that explains the way maths methods are taught in primary schools. We all know the children learn very differently from how we were taught at school so these have proved very valuable to parents in the past; I hope they are of some use to you.
- https://www.mathplayground.com/grade_2_games.html If using this site to support maths leaning then please select ‘Grade 2’ with is the same as Year 1.
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/featured The DfE has produced phonic videos for every sound and there are lessons to watch to ensure the correct sounds are said.
Please let me know if there is any other apps or resources you have found helpful and I can continue to add to the list so we are all supporting and helping with ideas. Would a list of Year 1 workbooks or anything else be of use to you to support learning from home in Year 1? Please come and speak to me if you have any requests. I have already sent home spelling strategies so I hope you are finding them helpful. Please continue to refer to the curriculum maps on the website which show the learning for this half term and the blog will communicate the current learning.