Week 4 w/b 26.09.22

Thank you to Year 6 who led us in a wonderful assembly today explaining The Rosary to us all. Year 1 will be praying the decades next week and throughout the month of October.

In Religion Year 1 have been exploring their topic ‘In the Beginning’ further by learning about the creation stories from Genesis. They worked hard to represent what they understood from the stories.

We have nearly finished our maths topic about represent numbers and will be moving on to addition and subtraction within ten. Please find a Mathletics account login in the reading folder. You can use this to access any Mathletics games and the one that have been set by me.

Apparently I set ‘ng’ on Spelling Shed for the whole school last week! Well done to those Year 1 children who completed the games and the rest of the school! I have tried again today and I think I have managed to set ‘ear’ for Phase 3 revision for just Year 1 this time! I have also snuck a Phase 4 sheet and spelling strategies in their reading folders for additional support.

We have started to change reading books so please continue to have reading folders in daily. Please comment in the reading record every time you read with your child as this supports our decision in changing books.

Enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday,

Miss Lambie