Week 3 w/b 19.09.2022

Week 3 w/b 19.09.2022

Year 1 behaved so well in our Welcome Mass this morning. They were respectful, responded well to the prayers and their singing was beautiful. I was very proud teacher again!

I have been learning how to use our new spelling resource ‘spelling shed’ and I think I have managed to set two activities on ‘ng’ sound to complete at home. The password and website have been stapled to your phonic sheet and placed in the reading folder. The Mathletics accounts are being created so we should be able to use them next week. Maths home learning this week is in the reading folder with instructions.

Please may all children have their reading book in their bag every day as I would like to change their books next week. Reading records have been ordered and should arrive next week so sorry about the post-its for now!

Enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday,

Miss Lambie