Entries by Liz Heymoz

Year 3 Week 2 Friday 15th November

We wish to start by expressing how proud we are of the children and their assembly today. Thank you so much for supporting your children in learning their lines. They enjoyed a chocolate biscuit as a treat after. Remembrance On Monday morning, the school gathered in the hall for 2 minutes silence before beginning our […]

Year 3 Week 1 Friday 8th November

Welcome to the second half of the autumn term. It was lovely to see the children return all refreshed and ready to learn. RE In RE the children have been looking at the Preferential Option for the Poor and what they can do to help. They discussed how Jesus shows a preferential option for the […]

Week 8 25th October 2024

One World Week This week our focus has been on Nigeria, the children have taken part in some engaging, creative and practical activities. They have located Nigeria on a map, and understand that Abuja is it’s capital. They also explored some of Nigeria’s landscape facts. At the beginning of the week, the children made their […]

Year 3 Week 7 Friday 18th October

R.E. This week the children showed a respectful and prayerfulness atmosphere when they participated in a meditation. They focused on the nature of our world and where they feel they can find and feel God. Maths The children worked hard in their end of unit quiz and began to explore their new unit on addition […]

Week 6 w.b. 11th October

R.E. This week the children recapped their learning from Key Stage One about what The Holy Trinity means. They identified biblical stories that represent God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. They then looked at different symbols representing The Holy Trinity and used a zone of relevance to organise which one they believed represented the Trinity […]

Year 3 Week 5 Friday 4th October

R.E. This week the children looked at Biblical metaphors and discussed that because we cannot see or touch God we use the world around us for people and things that are, in some way, like him. The children came up with their own metaphors of what God is like for them. Rooted in Love lesson- […]

Year 3 Week 4 Friday 27th September

R.E. On Wednesday afternoon, the children were preparing to retell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. They enjoyed listening to the story and having Deacon Sean in to share the session with us. They also learnt that the main character in this story is a man called MOSES and we produced a mind […]

Year 3 Week 2 13th September

Year 3 Week 2 Friday 13th September Our first full week in Year 3! Apologies for teacher sickness and for having to reschedule *Meet the teacher meeting on Thursday 19th September at 8:45am* R.E. The focus this week was on Apostle Paul. The children discussed the role of the Apostles as messengers and considered how […]

Welcome to the Autumn Term Year 3

  Hello and welcome to the autumn term in Year 3.  The children enjoyed their first few days back and welcomed two new children to our class. The children were excited to explore their new seats, books, resources and navigating the stairs up! They worked well to write and share recounts of their summer break. […]