Year 3 Week 4 Friday 24th January

In RE the children have been learning to recognise that God is present in the world around us. They have looked at a timeline – The time of Israel, The time of Jesus and The time after Jesus. Using a mind-map they also recalled the things Jesus said or did during his lifetime.

In Maths, the children have been learning to multiply and divide by 3. They have explored number stories, number lines and bar models to consolidate their learning.

The children have been enjoying their new narrative unit ‘The Present’ and this week planned their own version of the story. I found a video link to try and see if you can watch it at home but am unsure if it will let you without our planning login but here it is to try.

Ten Ten
In Ten Ten this week the children have been learning about different types of bullying. They discussed the difference between emotional and physical bullying and how they can build resilience. In groups, they made a list of things people can say and do that make them feel good, and equally a list of things that can make them feel sad. This prompted an engaging and interesting conversation within the class.


Mrs Ellis has been assisting in our learning of French this term and we have been enjoying learning the French names of some foods and asking for them. Please ask your child about this so they can practise their skills.

The children enjoyed their first introduction to their new topic- Earthquakes and shared their existing knowledge and what they want to find out more on. They began to look at Christchurch earthquake in 2011 and noticed the devastation it caused.

Mrs McNamara has been busy teaching the children the three notes needed on the recorder to play a tune and they are excited to possibly begin rehearsals for a mini concert for you all. Watch this space!

P.E. days are Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday

We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr

Spellings: Spellingshed
Maths: Mathletics, please complete the activities that have been set. TT Rockstars, please practice 2, 3 and 5 times tables.



  • We are still collecting socks for the passage please.
  • Please bring in small plant pots or plastic cups for planting spring bulbs.