Friday, 20th September 2024
This week, the children in Year 2 carried on revising their phase 5 sounds and worked on ‘ie’, ‘ow’ (snow) and ‘ue’ sounds, applying them in various contexts and activities.
In English, the class read Giles Andreae’s wonderful book, Giraffes can’t dance and reflected on their differences that make them special and unique. They wrote their ideas up in the neatest to create our first Writing display. They can be very proud of their hard work, ensuring letter formation, finger spacing, spelling and punctuation were all correct. Well done!
We later moved onto another picture book, this time the highly entertaining: Aliens love Underpants! Children used a selection of sentences from the book to correct for SPaG before completing some Guided Reading questions. We are going to move on to nouns and adjectives next week and work on expanded noun phrases, using the illustrations from the book.
In Maths, we used place value charts and Dienes (base 10) equipment to represent 2 digit numbers up to 100, before moving on to part whole models, regrouping numbers according to their tens and ones. We also practiced recording concrete resources in our Maths books.
In RE, the children listened to and retold the Burning Bush story, revising earlier knowledge of Moses, looking at key locations such as Egypt and putting this important event in context by recalling bigger steps in Moses’ life story. The children also used coffee filter painting technique to create an RE display.
In Science, the class moved on to their next vertebrate group, birds and discussed their needs for survival. They have recorded their ideas on a mind map before discussing concept cartoons around this topic, reasoning in their Science books.
In PE, we started our first unit of work which is fundamental skills. We spent 2 lessons on balancing, catching and passing using a range of different sized balls and bean bags whilst in History, we started our Moon Landing unit by looking at the history of flying and building a timeline.
The children started their drawing art unit this week by learning about Andy Goldsworthy, a British environmentalist artist. We would like to use his work as an inspiration for creating our own versions of land art and later transferring those onto paper. Please could you pick leaves, berries, sticks, conkers and other ‘treasures’ from nature with your child in the next 2 weeks, dry and press them if possible and send them into school so that we can build a bank of ‘resources’ for our project later. We will also go for a nature hunt walk in school but the more we have the better. Thank you for your support with this!
I hope you have a nice weekend,
Ms Varga
Home Learning | Due back on Wednesday, 25th September 2024 |
Phonics/Spelling | Phonics 1 pdf Please practice this week’s key spellings: day, may, snow, glow, tie, replied, blue, glue, sure, fair. You may find the attached worksheet helpful modelling letter formation. |
Reading | Please read with your child and sign reading record. |
Maths | Please see attached worksheet for regrouping using part whole models (answers included)
Regrouping using part whole model If you would like a bit more challenging task to further practice the concept of regrouping, please see the second sheet (answers included) |