Thursday 4th June, 2020

Dear Year 4,

The week is whizzing by and the weather has been lovely.  I have not received anyone’s music compositions for morning prayer time but I do know that you have been exploring the music app!

I have attached another lovely music link that you could try.     See the link below.

PE Click here for your Active June worksheet

We loved the balancing yesterday, although Ms Varga only managed 40 seconds 🙂

We hope you all got to Gold level!


Morning Prayer

Find a quiet place to sit and reflect…


A Special Examen for Children prayer

Using the picture link above, there is a special examen for your prayer time today.













Reading Log

Did you enjoy the book link from yesterday?

We’re looking at joke books today…..try some of them out on your family/friends.   Click on the book to open it!

Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises


What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?

Post us a picture of your reading logs!!  We would love to hear about your current book you are reading.


Word List: accident, accidentally, address, answer, appear,
arrive, believe, bicycle, actual and actually.

Go back to these words today using the link and click on the practise/test tab.

Be ready for the dictation test tomorrow!

Maths Dividing a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number

Video 1: See below    Click here  for worksheet 1    Click here for the answers

If you find Video 1 slightly difficult, do this activity which is looking at dividing a 2 digit number by

a 1 digit number.

Click here for worksheet 1    Click here for the answers


Click here for today’s learning.

Today you are going to read a poem about the Willow Pattern story and  annotate a picture of a plate to tell the story and make a story plan.

We would like you to draft descriptive phrases and write a version of the story.

Wider Curriculum

Choose one activity to complete this afternoon from the Curriculum Blog.
Do tell us how you get on!
The focus of these activities is ‘Viewpoints’.

Music Link: We’ve added a music link for today.  Enjoy!!