Friday 3rd November, 2023

Although this week’s weather has meant a change in lunchtime routine, the children have enjoyed their time inside and outside using the school hall as another area to enjoy playtime where table tennis, lego and drawing are available to them as well.

In Maths the children have moved from working on mental addition using ‘think 10’ to ‘think 100’ and are learning to explore the various ways this strategy can assist them in mental addition.

In English, we have been using the poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ to build up our grammatical understanding. We have begun by familiarising ourselves with the text by performing it.

In art, the children have spent time using clay to make their 3D art sculpture of their favourite Roald Dahl character…here are some examples.  Can you spot Matilda/the tortoise from Esio Trot/the crocodile?  Next week, the children will spend time painting their sculptures when they are dry.


In Recorders, the children have been revising the notes learnt last half term and we hope to be ready for a small concert to show you nearer Christmas.  Date of concert T.B.C.  This week Corrado, the Italian teacher, spent time teaching the children about the seasons and numbers 1-20.

Today in science, we investigated if having longer legs meant you could jump further. We will look at our results next week.

In the month of November, we remember people who have died. If you know some who has died, please send in their photograph (write their name on the back) so we can include them in our daily prayers and add their name/picture to our class prayer corner.

Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Enjoy the fireworks!


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning

Spellings have been set on spelling shed. Print outs of the spellings for this half term will be given out on Monday. You can also download them here.

Mathletics and TTRS.