Autumn 2 Week 1

I hope you all had a restful half term. It was lovely welcoming the children back to class and hearing all their exciting news.

In English this week, we have started a non-fiction unit all about sharks. The children have enjoyed reading non-fiction books, writing their own questions about sharks and creating blurbs for non-fiction books.

In Maths they have been using their estimation skills – please use this video to support them at home with their learning

They have also published their Autumn poetry, which I hope you enjoyed reading with them at home. In Art, they have used watercolour paint and crayon to create Autumn pictures.


In PE, we have been learning to create counter tension and counter balances.

In the month of November, we remember people who have died. If you know some who has died, please send in their photographs (write their name on the back) so we can include them in our prayers.

Home Learning

Spelling – ing suffix – Please learn this spelling list and complete the handwriting sheet.








Reading – please read with your child and return their book on Friday.

Mathletics – activities have been set.