Friday, 21st January 2022

The children in Year 4 had yet another busy week. In English, they used role play to get into character and based on well-known Roman myths, such as the story of Diana and Orion or Aeneas and Jupiter, wrote diary entries and descriptive paragraphs using figurative language (metaphors, personification and similes). In Maths, the class moved on to converting units of length building on their understanding of how to make whole and decimal numbers 10, 100 times larger and smaller. The children used practical resources like place value sliders, classroom rulers and metre sticks to investigate length.

In Science, the children set up a series of fair tests to investigate the speed different liquids move at. They very much enjoyed this hands on task! They then created a data set of class average and plotted their data on a graph. Really impressive learning!

In History, they used e-books to research continuity in food and nutrition. They wrote in-depth explanations how food and eating changed during the Roman invasion and what similarities and differences they noticed between Celtic and Roman times. The class searched for the presence of God, exploring the meaning of the phrase: ‘Bidden or not bidden, God is present’ in RE, whilst in French they studied the names of basic body parts and sang a French equivalent of ‘Heads, shoulders, knees…’ In computing, they learnt about computing networks. The class also experimented with mosaic designs and started an art project creating a mosaic using paper tiles.

Next Monday, the class will visit the Bhaktivedanta Manor as part of our ‘Other Faith Week’. Just to reiterate some of the information that was sent home earlier this week:

  • Children need to wear their winter school uniform (no PE kits)
  • Girls must wear trousers (this can be their grey school uniform or a dark coloured tracksuit bottom. NO jeans, please)
  • Children will receive a hot meal at lunch time (very mild curry, plain rice, potato chips, orange juice and biscuit. All vegetarian (not vegan) and nut free). Unless the children have particular allergies that the school was notified about, they will eat the meal offered in the lunch hall. Please do not send in home packed lunches, as they are not allowed on site.

I am sure the class will very much enjoy this trip. Over the years, this beautiful place of worship offered a most comprehensive and exciting visit with opportunities to dress up, participate in face painting, visit the stables, etc.

Have a safe and lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due back by Tuesday, 25th January 2022
Spelling Please ,og onto Spelling Frame and practice this week’s spelling before testing yourself on the words.

Spelling Rule 14 – Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian (2 of 2)

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Update your reading logs and be ready to present them on Wednesday.


Multiplication Log onto Maths Chase and spend 15 minutes practicing your mixed multiplication facts.

Study Ladder

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities on your assigned pod. All 4 activities are related to measuring length.

Please also see our whole school RE learning for the week:

220121 Whole-school RE learning letter – Hinduism