Friday 20th October, 2023

Our final week of the half term has been jam-packed with learning all about Pakistan. We were so impressed with the quality of your home learning and research- well done, Year 3! You came with so much knowledge to our lessons.Throughout the week, we explored this country in a variety of ways. We have learnt about its geography: the population, currency, mountains, lakes and rivers. We have discovered its music and dancing; a link to balaay, balaay can be found below! We also spent time learning about famous Pakistani people, like Malala Yousafazi and Afraqat Ali Khan.  A real highlight was the cooking. Year 3 made some chapatis with the help of Ariela’s mum and alongside this the children ate chicken biryani, kebab and sweet rice made by Ariela’s mum. What a treat that was! Added to this they sampled Mango juice and Guava juice.

Today they also sampled Asian snacks which disappeared very quickly!  This treat came after they performed a wonderful class assembly.  Thank you for supporting your child with their words which they learnt well.

It was a pleasure to meet with so many of you at parents evening on a Tuesday and Thursday. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your children over the past half term and look forward to continuing to work with you over the coming year.


Have a wonderful half term.Mrs lines and Mrs McNamara



Ballay Ballay 

The children were shown dance moves to this beautiful song.

Dil Se Pakistan    (Heart, heart Pakistan)