Friday, 11th June 2021
Year 4 has had a lovely first week back, helped greatly by the hot and sunny weather!
We completed learning based on our new class book, Stich Head by Guy Bass. The children loved listening to the adventures of this little creature and can’t wait to start writing their own (child friendly) horror stories.
In Maths, we carried on with our fraction learning, placing unit and non-unit fractions on a number line.
In Science, we completed some tasks from the 30 days Go Wild activity pack using the iPads. The children also started collecting items to go onto our Nature Table and I would like to invite you Dear Parents to support them in this by keeping an eye out for any treasures whilst out and about with your families this weekend. We are looking for interesting or unique stones and fossils; seeds and leaves; flowers or petals of unusual colours; shells and feathers. Thank you!
On Wednesday, we also had the pleasure of welcoming Coach Tom into our school who lead a fantastic Cricket lesson which we repeated on Thursday afternoon.
In RE, we looked at Mark’s Gospel and started discussing the meaning of Discipleship and ways we can be learners of Jesus.
Finally, just a quick note to say that due to the hot weather, our upstairs classroom heats up quite quick during the day, so please keep sending in the children with full water bottles. We do have jugs of water in the classroom and the children are great at refilling their bottles independently. Also please send in sunhats (labelled with names if possible) for break times and PE lessons. PE days are WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS this term.
Thank you and have a lovely and safe weekend,
Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara
Please see Home Learning bellow:
Spelling– Please log onto Spelling Frame and spend a few minutes practicing this week’s spelling words then test yourselves.—or–to-pre-
Reading– please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Update your reading logs and record if you have read for pleasure.
Times Table– Please log onto Hit the button and spend 15 minutes practicing your mixed number facts, including division facts.
English/Maths– Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the assigned activities on Fractions and Vocabulary.