Week 8

I hope you had a wonderful half term! Year 1 have taken advantage of the beautiful weather with tennis and cricket this week. The children enjoyed learning the two games and had fun taking part.

In Maths, we have been learning to turn quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns clockwise and anti-clockwise. Then we used these skills to read the time on a clock to o’clock and half past. The children drew clocks on the playground and used themselves as the hands. Please continue to practise these skills at home.

In Literacy, the children have been following and writing instructions. They have learnt what to include when writing good instructions. After reading a book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth, the children acted it out.

In Science, we planted cress and have left it in different places to investigate what helps it to grow well.

On Friday, the children used the ipads for Computing. They instructed the turtle to move in different directions.


Home Learning

Each child has been given a country in the Euro Football.  Make a flag for their county by Friday 18th June.



Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey