English Links: Have a Look! BBC 500 words 2018 Writing Competition

Dear Year 4,

Using your creative writing skills, why not have a go at writing your own story and submitting it?

BBC 500 words 2018

Chris Evans’ short story-writing competition for kids, in association with Oxford University Press.


Seven years ago, Chris Evans had a dream: to get children excited about reading and writing. All children, no matter what their ability. 500 Words is now one of the most successful story-writing competitions for kids in the world: Three quarters of a million children have written a story for the competition over the years!

It’s very simple. Entrants write an original story on any subject or theme in 500 Words or fewer and submit it online. If they win, their story will be read live on the radio by a superstar celebrity…like Julie Walters, Tom Hiddleston, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Jeremy Irons, or Sherlock himself – Benedict Cumberbatch. Each year, 10 million Radio 2 listeners hear, read and love these stories.

Safer Internet Day Tuesday 6th February, 2018

As part of showing our support for a positive Internet, we took part in activities in school to explore our ideas of what a better Internet might look like and we urge all of our parents, friends and supporters to create, connect and share positive messages and use of technology.

Together we can make a positive difference

Together we realise that we can make #SID2018 the biggest campaign yet and make a real difference to the digital lives of children right across the UK.

In school after our whole school assembly, we watched the SID TV video for 7-11 year olds and discussed the themes mentioned in the film about friendship and how online actions make us feel.

On a jigsaw template, we filled in a pledge to do something positive online. It could be a picture of the kind things the children would do online or a pledge to take a positive action to make the internet a better place. The jigsaws show how our actions fit in with the actions of those around us, to create a better internet.


Find out more and get involved!

www.saferinternetday.org.uk #SID2018

Week 5: 2nd February

This week, the children have been editing their narrative writing and have been fabulous editors in ensuring that they have looked at their sentences to see how they can improve them further.  Well done to each of them in working so hard to apply such an important skill.

On Tuesday, the class went over to  Dame Alice Owen’s school to take part in the local Speed Stacking Tournament. They were proud to represent the school and have been practicing hard in the lead up to the big day. Overall they came second.  Well done Year 4 – great work!




IMG_0698 IMG_0697 IMG_0696 IMG_0695In ICT the children have been looking at writing instructions using simple algorithms.  To assist them with this, they used the virtual bee bots on the Ipad.

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In Maths the children have continued with their work on decimals and converting minutes to hours and hours to minutes.

This afternoon the children continued with their wonderful environmental art structures using willow.

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Luca and Evie were particularly proud of their twists and weaving techniques using the willow.


As part of Other Faith Week, we will be having a class trip with Year 3 to the synagogue on Monday morning.  Thank you to the parents who are able to assist us with this visit.


Have a lovely weekend.

Homework for this week:

  1.  Spellings adding the suffix ‘ly’
  2. Unit 6 from the English Skills Book
  3. Mathletics – log on to see the activities uploaded (activities on decimals and measurement)
  4. Learn timestables (especially 6 times tables)




Week 4: 26th January

For this week, we had a German student Tobias in our classroom working alongside the children.  He has been a great asset to the class and loved listening to the children read and chat about their reading books with him.  On Monday, we were treated to a piano concert by some of the children in the class.  It was lovely to see how well their piano skills have developed and their confidence in performing in front of an audience growing too!

Well done to Asher, Giovanna, Luka, Maria, Max and Toni.

On Tuesday, the children continued to look at a scene of a play script from Harry Potter and how to summarise what they had learnt from it.  They looked at sentence structure and did role play.  On Friday, the children wrote their own narratives using the script as a writing stimulus and some wonderful writing pieces were written.

On Wednesday, in RE the children learnt more about the Exodus story and watched parts of the Prince of Egypt film.  With knowledge of what happened, they continued to write up the Exodus story and retell when God spoke to Moses through ‘The Burning Bush.’
















Acting out a scene from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child



On Friday, the children continued their art work with Ms Burgess using their willow designs from last week.

I have only mentioned a few of the learning experiences that the children have had this week.  I’m sure that the children will have told you much more!

The homework has been set and as usual, there is homework club on Monday if your child needs it.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara

Click here to download the power point I used in Maths testing your knowledge of measurement.    Converting QUIZ



Our Wonderful Pianists



Week 3: 19th January

It has been a busy week.

We have continued with our work on measurement and learnt about symmetry in Maths.

Playscript to Narrative: in English, using the play script from ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’, the children have been learning how to write in narrative.  The writing that they have produced has been fabulous to read.  Next week, they will be looking at using techniques to edit and improve it.

In RE we have been talking about epic stories and examining history from the past using timelines.  The book of Exodus is our focus this half term and the children, learning how to read from the bible have started to learn about Moses and how, after the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea.

Below is a link that the children watched and sang along with in singing practice this week:




In PE the children continued their PE sessions with Mr Duggan and one of the activities they particularly enjoyed was the standing long jump:  they learnt that the length of the jump is measured from the edge of the takeoff board to the nearest mark in the landing …so we had many eager children measuring the jumps of each class member!


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In Art the children made willow sculptures and have started on their special science project …more news on their developing creations next week!

Homework has been handed out to the children and stuck into their Home Learning books.

Any queries can be discussed at homework club on Monday.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.




Week 2: 12th January

This week has flown by!

We started our new English unit looking at an old Vietnamese Folk-tale – ‘The Fly and the Fool’ and learnt about the characters – Mr Lo, The Judge, Lo and Lan.  The children worked in partners and their table groups to ensure they understood the story and acted out part of the story as well.  We are continuing with this focus on playscripts next week.  In Mathematics, we learnt about conversion in our topic of Measurement and starting learning more about shapes. In RE we spent time talking about Pope Francs’ teaching on the Joy of Love through his  writing ‘Amoris Laetitia’.

In PE this week, Coach Duggan joined us to assist with our learning and he will be with us this term.  The children had great fun doing a variety of athletic activities.  On Wednesday, the children went to Furzefield for their swimming lesson and a great time was had by all.

As part of a project with Stormont School to enhance our outdoor learning focus we are taking part in an environmental art project with their art specialist Ruth Burgess.  They will be planning and creating willow sculpture to enhance our Peace Garden trellis so we are all excited on seeing their creations in Spring!

So, for Year 4 this term, we have a lot going on and keeping us busy!

I have signed the children onto e-books via the Oxford University:

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/  Click on the Class Log in icon.

Their user name is: Year 4 love books   Password: McNamara

Please allow your child to choose a book (from the Aged 7-9 area) and listen to it whilst it is being read.


Homework has also been given to the children.  Please examine their home learning books

If the children have any queries, they can come along to the Monday lunchtime homework club.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara


Doing Measurement Conversion using a place value mat (one of our many resources)IMG_0487 IMG_0489IMG_0498 IMG_0502 IMG_0510


Week 1 5th January Spring Term 2018

Welcome back everyone!

We hope you had a blessed Christmas and wish you every blessing for this new year ahead.

Although we have only been back two days, the children have been doing many things.  In preparation for today’s assembly to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, the children examined the story of the wise men visiting the baby Jesus and made their own crowns.  During a class Act of Worship, the children thought carefully about what gift they will bring to our school and their homes this year and offered these in assembly this morning.

The Epiphany is depicted in a mural titled "Adoration of the Magi" in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at Conception Abbey in Conception, Mo. Painted by Benedictine monks in the late 1800s, the artwork is the first appearance of the German Beuronese style in a U.S. church. Christians celebrate the incarnation of the divine word -- the birth of Christ -- Dec. 25. The feast of the Epiphany is Jan. 2. (CNS photo courtesy Conception Abbey) (Nov. 8, 2004)

Next week, the children will be going swimming on Wednesday so please remember your swim suits!  A letter was sent home to inform you of this.  We also have a special Class Mass on Thursday 25th January.  Please keep this date free in your diary.

Have a lovely weekend.

See you on Monday!


Mrs McNamara


Week 14 and Week 15

Although we have had snow, frost and rain over the last few weeks,  the children have approached their work with eagerness and focus!  Well done.

Using the snow as a stimulus, the children were set a task.  At the beginning of the week, after our day off school, I asked  the class to think about whether putting a coat on a snowman would make the snowman melt more slowly or more quickly.  Most children were all very sure that the snowman would melt more quickly with his coat on.  Coats are lovely and warm, and usually heat melts the snow.  Most of the class thought the same thing.  We created a snowman alongside another created by the children in Year 3.  Year 3 dressed their snowman whilst we left our snowman as he was.   After leaving the snowmen for a day, we could see that coats are good insulators and will keep us nice and warm when it is cold outside, but if  a coat is put on a snowman, the coat will stop the warmer air getting at the snowman.  So having a coat would actually keep the snowman colder for longer, and so he would be slower to melt! Try it for yourself if the snow appears again over the holidays!

The children have produced wonderful presentations on Christmas customs and we listened to some of them.  I am planning to allocate more time for the rest of the class to present theirs at the start of the new term.  The pantomime of Cinderella  last Friday was enjoyed and loved by all (Oh yes it was!) – thank you to those of you who came and assisted us.

Have a wonderful Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.

Thank you again for the generous gifts that you have given to myself, Miss Varga, Mrs Moccia and Mrs Vieyra.

See you On Thursday 4th January!



Mrs McNamara

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Building our snowman


Also, we watched the Guitar Concert on Monday and saw how the children who play the guitar have developed their talents over this term.

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Week 13: 8th December

Well, another busy week!  We have been busy preparing for our Key Stage 2 Advent Service.  The service was lovely – well done to you all for making it such a prayerful occasion.  You sang, spoke and danced really well.  Learning your lines, acting and choreographing your own dance made the Advent Service very special.

Bishop John Wilson visited the school on Wednesday and helped marked the school’s 50th Anniversary.  He visited every class and the questions that you asked him were insightful and thoughtful.  They enabled us to find out more about him and his work as a Bishop in our diocese.  Thank you to Sofia, Evie, Mia, Luka K, Samuel for your questions.

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Week 12: 1st December

This week the children have written the final drafts of their Traction Man recounts.  What has been written is full of description, strong vocabulary words which help add detail to their wonderful recounts. In Maths we have moved onto regrouping the minuend (the number being reduced) for subtraction.  The children have explored how to practise both mental methods and columnar addition and subtraction with increasingly large numbers to aid their fluency.

In RE we have learnt more about Lectia Divina and have written our own prayers. We have written our Advent Angel promises and  have been practising for our Advent Service.

As part of National Tree Week, the children  went over to the woods in Dame Alice Owen’s school with Year 3.  The children had a wonderful time adding to their understanding of the differences of our British trees.


Words to learn for the Advent service: here

This week’s home learning: here