January 18th, 2019






Another week in Year 4 has whizzed by!

In R.E, we have been learning about ‘sacramental people’ and how we can see God in the world and others. The children examined the storybook, ‘Maybe God is like that too.’ which is about a young boy who asks his grandma where God is in their city.  An ordinary day in his city opens this young boy’s eyes to God’s Spirit at work all around him. The children shared their experiences of  the words joy, faithfulness, self-control and discussed that while they experience these, there too is God.

They met Mike form the Canal and Water Trust on Tuesday and alongside Year 3,  took part in an assembly where they learnt how to keep safe when near a canal. The children listened carefully and joined in the activities that Mike set them to do.

As we are studying play scripts, the children were given the opportunity to show their plays to the rest of the class. Some groups still have to show theirs but the children have worked extremely hard in taking on their character(s) personality and developing their ability to be playful, be creative, curious, imaginative and bold!

I have recorded these on video and hope that I can upload them onto this blog……more information will follow!


Well done.


Homework has been set and explained to the children.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga