25th January, 2019

This week, we have continued with our work on Fractions and Conversion of units (including measures and time).  In RE we have continued with our topic on Sacramental people  We read the story of – Maybe God is like that too by Jennifer Grant and the children wrote about their own experiences in which they have experienced joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, self-control, patience and gentleness. The children thought about how these experiences enable them to witness God’s presence in the words and actions of others and their own.Image result for maybe god is like that too doorman

We were joined by Henrik, a German exchange student who, over the week assisted the children in class and in the playground with their games. The children wrote special messages to him which they put into a card and presented it to him this afternoon.  Some of the children also spent time today designing and painting porcelain plates with Monika who has been working with groups of children in the school with an art focus.  The children created wonderful designs.

Yesterday, the children met Bishop John Sherrington and learnt more about him through the questions they asked him. It was lovely for the children to meet him and hear about his life as a bishop.  For some of the children, they spoke excitedly about how they had served at mass and held his mitre and crosier.  He spoke about the importance of looking after God’s world  and working for justice.

Homework has been set.  If there are any concerns, please come along to homework club on Monday and Tuesday.

The children also finished their lamp designs: