Autumn 2 Week 1 w.b. 30.10.2023

Welcome back!


The children are enjoying their Italian lessons and this week have been learning colour names. They played a fun game where they had to look for colours in the classroom and played find the thumbs up in a colour grid. The children are becoming confident in using their knowledge to introduce themselves and how to greet others in Italian!


In PE this week the children have started their Gymnastics topic. The focus was to step in controlled, elegant movements and create a sequence involving stepping and turning. They watched a video demonstrating this before going on to make their own.  The children also had to work in groups to make tunnels and move their way through the shapes and bridges their peers made. I was very impressed with their smooth transitions and the way in which they navigated their way around.


This week the children started their new topic on Farmer Duck. They have enjoyed reading the story which we left on a cliff-hanger! They made some fantastic predictions about how the story might end and are looking forward to finding out what happens next. They were very good at remembering their capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in their writing. The children also enjoyed playing in the farm tuff tray and exploring all the different animals. Well done children!


The children started their learning on Remembrance Day this week and wrote some very special prayers, this will continue over next week. They looked at what Remembrance is and why it is so important, the children showed great enthusiasm and respect during this important session. Over the next week they will also write down the name of a special person they would like to pray for during out special prayer time in school and this list will be kept on our prayer table.

Home Learning

Remembrance – could your child bring in a photograph of someone who has passed away and who they would like to pray for.  Please write the name of the person on the back of the photograph and send it in on Monday.

Mathletics – complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record. Due Friday.

Handwriting and Number Formation – please complete the worksheets sent home. These are practice sheets so they do not need to come back to school.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day.

We will be visiting The Wyllyotts Museum on Wednesday 15th November in the afternoon as part of our topic on Toys and The Local Area. More details of this trip to follow next week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes