Friday, 11th September 2020
Our first full week back at school in Year 4 has been very busy. The children practised their handwriting and started working on their first set of spelling words. (Please see the list of these words below in their Home Learning tasks.)
They have looked at ways of welcoming people as part of their RE learning and put their learnt ideas in practice when welcoming their new classmate Samuel. We hope he will have a lovely time in Year 4!
In Maths, the children looked at different representations of numbers using Dienes equipment, place value counters and written models. Well done! I saw some very flexible counting skills!
We also looked at parts of a sentence and labelled compound and complex sentences in English. We started learning about types of inquiries in Science and looked at Mega Cities as part of their Autumn Term Geography unit.
In PE, the children also started working on their throwing and catching skills.
Our Class Act of Worship (thank you to Kate who took these photos and to Sophie who set out the special cloths and items to assist with our prayers).
The children working hard during their Maths Lesson on a Challenge involving three digit numbers.
Please see your Home Learning below that needs to be completed by Tuesday 15th September 2020.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Friday, 11th September 2020 | Home Learning |
Spelling |
Week 1 spelling words:
beginner, beginning, forgetting, forgotten, gardener, gardening, limitation, limited, limiting, preferred, prefer Use the link below to practice these spellings: |
Maths |
Please use the login details to access the activities assigned on StudyLadder. Complete’ Expanded notations’ activity using three digit numbers. If you want to challenge yourself, complete ‘Expanded notation’ activity with 4 digit numbers further down. (you don’t need to complete any other Place Value activity, as we will consolidate those in class next week) |
English |
Please use the login details to access the activities assigned on StudyLadder. Complete ‘Belling the cat’ reading comprehension activity.