Autumn 1 Week 2
We have come to the end of our first full week of learning. The children have continued to settle and adjust to being back in school full time. We have started many of our new topics this week.
In science, we are learning about animals including humans. In Year 5, this means learning about life cycles and human growth. We started by investigating eggs and making scientific observations about them. Year 5 were able to pick out small details and learnt about each part of the egg.

In RE, we have been thinking about our mission prayer. The children searched through St Paul’s letters to find evidence of where we gain our key themes of care, respect, using our talents and believing we are all God’s work of art. We also thought about how we display these each day in school.
Multi skills is our current topic in PE. Today we learnt how to be more agile and improve our dodging technique. Please note that there is a change to our PE day. From now on, we will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Home learning has been set today. The children have been given their home reading records and login details have been stuck inside. There are details for 3 different sites:, mathletics and studyladder. This week, children should log in and complete the mathletics set and the initial assessment on readtheory. There has been no learning set on studyladder. Spellings for the half term will be given on Monday. The readtheory assessment is important to find the right level for the comprehensions your child will be given. Please let them complete this independently and reassure them not to worry if they find it difficult.