Year 6 Week Beginning 13.11.23
This week has been Anti-Bullying week! The week launched with both children and staff wearing odd socks to school; this fun opportunity encouraged everyone to express themselves and celebrate their individuality!
As we are celebrating the Year of Diversity at Pope Paul, our Anti-Bullying Week focussed on the message of anti-racism. In class, the children learnt about what racism is and how they can be actively anti-racist. They also learned about unconscious bias. During lesson time, the class explored different scenarios where an anti-racist would speak out against racism through actions and words. They also made connections between anti-racism and our own school mission prayer, where we strive to respect and care for each other and to build a better world.
In Maths, Year 6 have been focussing on prime numbers, factors, common multiples, square and cube numbers and they have begun to write and edit the first drafts of their diary entries, in English.
In Science, Year 6 had lots of fun creating models using themselves, to show how light helps us to see.
Home learning has been set on the following websites:
Spelling Shed
Please remember to practise your multiplication skills regularly using TT Rockstars.
Regular daily reading
Please familiarise yourself with our class song for the Advent service. Parts and lines will be given out next week.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms Pemberton