Autumn 2 Week 3

We started the week by wearing odd socks to launch Anti Bullying Week. Over the week we have discussed and read many books that celebrate our differences. We have discussed how discrimination can make us feel and how we can support others, identify our similarities and celebrate our differences.

Our Non-Fiction English unit about Sharks has continued this week. We have researched the growth, movement and life of these wonderful creatures in order to write our own information pages about them.

In Geography, we have begun our new topic about Emperor Penguins in the Antarctic.

Home learning

Spelling – er suffix – please learn this list at home and complete the handwriting and spelling sheet.








Geography – Please research and make a learning poster that explains what deserts are, where they can be found and what they have in common.

Reading – Please enjoy reading your new book.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Pringle