1st October, 2021

1st October 2021

In year five we have had another busy week!

Everyone went swimming for the second time, which they greatly enjoyed. If the girls or boys wish to change into their costume before the swimming session at school, we are more than happy to set time aside for them to do this.

In Maths we’ve been finishing our learning on rounding numbers and have just started learning about negative numbers and have been counting forwards and backwards about zero. In English we have continued to learn about the features of biographies through learning more about the life of Mary Anning, a famous palaeontologist.

As it was the feast of St. Vincent De Paul last weekend, we have been learning more about his life and the example he set for us to follow. We’ve also been working on our garden; we prepared the ground and planted the plants that have been kindly donated.  However, we would love to have many more so please do send them into school for the children to add to the class garden.


Home Learning for this weekend:

Spellings:  able and ible

terrible, possible, edible, reversible, invincible, legible, forgivable, disposable, enjoyable, valuable, breakable, agreeable

Read Theory: please encourage your child to log on and complete at least 5 exercises.

English: Research  Last week the children were asked to spend time finding out about a famous historical/religious/explorer of their choice and write a biography based on what they have found. I am looking forward to seeing what they have done and asking them to share their work with the rest of the class.

Reading: please read for at least 15 minutes each day and record your reading into your reading logs.

Mathletics: Sign on and complete the work that has been set.


Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mr Holmes