Year 6 – 08/10/21
This week in English, Year 6 have started writing their final piece for our unit on persuasion. They are writing a speech to warn people of the horrors of the bombings in the Blitz and persuade parents to leave their children in the countryside. What they have all written so far is fantastic and I can’t wait for them to complete and edit them next week and then finally perform them.
In Maths, we have been developing fluency when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, and then putting this into the context of converting between units of measure.
In RE, we have focused on the story of Moses and the Burning Bush and how this leads to our belief of monotheism (that there is only one God).
In PE, we continued with swimming on Wednesday and practised underarm throwing for accuracy on Thursday, whilst in Music, we explored beat and syncopation through song and body percussion. In Art, we began our topic on drawing, in which the focus was on developing tone.
Once again, Year 6 ended the week reading to their Reception learning partners. Well done!
Here is this week’s home learning, due next Wednesday:
Maths | Mathletics assignments:
· Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 · Grams and Kilograms · Millilitres and Litres |
Reading | Completion of 5 passages on ReadTheory |
Spelling | To be tested: 15/10/21
average controversy criticise definite leisure necessary nuisance occur prejudice profession programme relevant rhyme suggest system thorough |
Have a great weekend 😊
Miss Donatantonio