Week 5
This week the children have written a speech to persuade a king to share his food and performed the speech to the class. Then the children planned and wrote their own fables. I was impressed with their adjectives, conjunctions and prepositions that they used in their writing. They were very proud to write them neatly and display them in the classroom.
In Maths, the children have continued regrouping numbers in a variety of ways and explaining the similarities and difference between numbers. Next week they will ne applying these skills when adding and subtracting. Each day, we are practising to recall the two and five times tables.
In Computing, we have been programming sprites using a program called Scratch.
In Religion, we learnt about St Vincent, the children drew wonderful portraits of St Vincent and thought about how they live out St Vincent values in their lives.
In PE the children have been learning and practising the chest pass and they can find space to receive the ball from their team members.
On Friday, we picked the apples and pears form the trees and used them to make apple and pear crumble.
Have a lovely weekend.
Home Learning
Spellings – ei sound. Please learn the definition of each word.
reins, vein, veil, reign, neigh, weigh, eight, sleigh, freight, weight, eighteen, eighty
Login to letter join and practise writing your spellings.
Study ladder and Mathletics activities
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey