Summer 2 Week 3 w.b. 19.06.2023
What a great week we have had in Year 1!
As part of our RE we have discussed what it would be like to live in God’s Kingdom and the children also thought of ways in which we have God’s Kingdom in our school. We then went outside and planted our seeds of hope. We look forward to nurturing, watering and watching them grow as a symbol of hope for the future.
This week the children have been learning about fractions and sharing into equal parts. We have particularly focused on halves and quarters. The children have enjoyed using the resources in the classroom and working together to explore if cubes and rods can be shared equally or not.
Year 1 have started their new topic on Bats. We have looked at what they already know about them, and I have to say I was super impressed with their knowledge so far! The children also explored what it was like to be blindfolded and find their way in the dark, much like a bat!
In Science this week we have continued looking at plants and also explored different trees. The children went outside and looked closely at different leaves and then decided if they belonged to evergreen or deciduous trees.
Home Learning
Handwriting worksheet
Wednesdays- P.E. kits for Swimming
Friday- P.E. kits
Reminder – Sports Day is on Wednesday, please remember hats and water bottles.
Have a lovely weekend, I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Mrs Poyiadzis