Summer 2 Week 2
We have come to the end of another busy week and we have been fully emerged in Greek mythology. We have followed Odysseus on his agonising journey and we have now created our own beasts for him to battle next. I was so impressed with Year 5’s creative ideas.
In maths we have been using protractors to draw our own angles and triangles. Next week we will be moving on to converting between units of measure. This weekend, try and brush up on how many centimetres in a metre, how many grams in a kilogram and how many millilitres in a litre.
Thankfully the sun was still shinning this week for our cricket lesson on Wednesday. Year 5 had a great time practising catching with Coach Ben. In Science we have begun our new unit on materials. Today we spent time thinking about science as an enquiry subject and the 5 different types of enquiry we do. See if your child can remember an example of each of these:
Observation over time
identifying and classifying
pattern seeking
comparative and fair testing
Have a wonderful weekend
Home Learning:
Spellings week 3