Week 9
In Maths, we have continued to read the time and solve problems with time. We have been learning about seconds, minutes and hours and choosing activities that take different amounts of time.
In English we have continued to write instructions and look at the features of good instructions.
In Science we observed how cress has changed overtime and described what helped it to grow. We also learn the names of wild flowers that we see when we go for walks. we collected some flowers to answer the question ‘How many colour petals are in the playground?’
We also looked a pictures of eggs of the animals that the children predicted and we found out that the egg found in our playground was an ostrich egg. Well done to the parents and children who predicted correctly.
In Religion, children retold the story of Jesus calling his disciples and the children made a wonderful display to retell the story.
In our RSE lesson we talked about good and bad secrets. Follow the link below if you would like more information.
Home Learning
Some parents have said that you are unable to move the hands on clocks when using an iPad. If you are unable to complete last week’s task, please do not worry.
Mathlectics and studyladder
If you have volunteered to attend the seaside trip, I will let you know if you are needed next week.
Mrs Carey