Friday, 22nd October 2020

Year 4 has had another busy week.

The children participated in One World Week, where they focused on the United States of America. They have learnt about its location and searched for ‘megacities’. They took part in a treasure hunt outside where they looked for information about other important cities and located them on maps. The children also completed activities on the Mississippi River identifying its stages. As part of One World Week they tasted Giant Marshmallows, a typical American treat!

On Wednesday, the children lead Mass in their classroom on the theme of Community and Participation. They celebrated the Eucharist and revised the importance of Holy Communion as a sacrament. Fr Shaun helped them to revise all the special things that are found on the altar. Today in class, the children had the chance to set up the altar and learn again about the sacred items that are used and what they are used for. Thank you to Sophie, Eimear and Alfie who read beautifully during the mass and the class who followed Fr Shaun’s sign language for the songs.

Following all their hard work in preparation for their writing, the children completed their River Story narratives and we have enjoyed reading such descriptive narratives.  Well done!   They loved their karate session on Wednesday afternoon!

On Friday, Year 4 participated in a Harvest Act of Worship lead by several members of the class: Macy, Johanna, Gabriela, Hebe, Leon, Elle, Arthur, Charlie, Ben and Oskar.  Eric took photos which you will see below.

At the end of today before heading home, Johanna shared a quiz with the class that she had designed on British English words and American English words.  We really enjoyed the quiz – even I didn’t know all the answers!

Look below to see some of the quiz questions.

Wishing you and your family a restful half term.  See you back on Tuesday 3rd November!


Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

The American Treasure Hunt!


Johanna’s Quiz!

What is the American English word for our  English word flat?

Answer:  apartment

What is the American English word for our English word sweets?

Answer: candy.

What is the English word for the American word cotton candy?

Answer:  candyfloss

What is the American English word for our English word postcode?

Answer:  zip code.