Friday, 14th January 2022
The children in Year 4 had a busy first full week. In Writing, the class started a new unit of Roman Myths, where we looked at Roman Gods and Goddesses; acting them out, writing a school report about their often naughty behaviour and composing free form poetry to depict their beauty. In Maths, we looked at decimal numbers and using place value sliders, we investigated the effect of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100.
In Pe, we started our indoor unit of gymnastics and looked at point and patch balances, whilst on Wednesday, we went swimming. I was very impressed with how organised the children were in the Sports Centre! Well done class.
In RE, we looked at a timeline and collected events to match the periods. From the time of Israel, through the time of Jesus, to then take a closer look at the time after Jesus, focusing on ways we can still find him although not seeing him any more. In History, the children looked at continuity again but this time on a much larger scale, thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of the Romans effect on Celtic life. In Science, we started our new topic of States of Matter, during which we identified gas, liquid and solid states whilst grouping substances accordingly.
Thank you for Christoph’s, Christina’s and Ellis’s mummy for offering their kind help to accompany us on the 24th January. I will share further information about the trip closer to the date.
I also wanted to thank all those parents who sent in boxes of tissues since the beginning of the year. Especially at this time of the year, we do go through quite a few boxes, so your help is much appreciated.
Have a lovely and safe weekend,
Ms Varga
Please see your Home Learning below:
Home Learning | Due back on Tuesday, 18th January 2022 |
Spelling | Please log onto Spelling Frame and spend time practicing this week’s spelling words, before testing yourself on them.
Spelling Rule 13 – Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian (1 of 2) |
Reading | Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 tasks. Please also update your reading log and be ready to present them on Wednesday. |
Multiplication | Please log onto Maths Chase and spend 15 minutes practicing your mixed facts.
During our daily practice in class, we hit sub 10 seconds/question this term and children are gaining confidence with both the facts and the speed however it is still essential to continue with the fast recall at home. |
Study Ladder | Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the assigned activities, based on decimal numbers and multiplication facts. |
D&T/Science | As a preparation for next term’s DT and Science project where children are going to design and build a functioning bedside lamp with a simple series circuit, please may I ask parents to send in a 2l (sometimes 2.5l) emptied and rinsed plastic bottle with lid and their child’s name on it. Unfortunately, any smaller size won’t be large enough so please only send in the larger bottles.
Any curved or other design will make it harder for the children to use as they will have to cut and re-assemble parts of the bottle to create a base shell for their projects. It would be much appreciated if all children would have their bottles in by the 25th January, Tuesday. Thank you for your support with this. |