Spring 1 Week 2
This week has gone very quickly!
In Religion we have discussed where we see God in the world around us; answers included creation, our friends, family and our school community.
We have started a non fiction unit in English all about sharks! Creating our own what, where, when, how and why questions, that we are going to investigate next week. Please see the home learning activity that will support your child’s learning next learning.
We have been learning to touch type in computing using https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr
During Maths we have been exploring the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction as well as finding different amounts of money.
Our Design and Technology project has been a lot of fun this week. We children have learnt to classify, peel, chop and prepare a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables. We also took part in a sensory lesson, where we described each fruit and vegetables texture, smell, taste and appearance. Later on in the week, we prepared fruit kebabs for ourselves and a Year 1 child to enjoy as a healthy snack. Next week we will evaluate our fruit kebabs.
Your child has an A4 sheet in their bag that includes their passwords for spelling frame, Mathletics, google classroom, letterjoin and study ladder.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Home learning
https://login.mathletics.com/Three Mathletics activities have been set.
https://spellingframe.co.uk/ Year 2, Spelling Rule 12 – Adding –ed, –ing, –er and –est to a root word ending in –y
Shark research – please write down five interesting facts about sharks to share in class.