05/07/19 – Year 6 Production

Wow Year 6! You well and truly outdid yourselves last night! That was a phenomenal performance of We Go Together, with each of you acting, singing and dancing your hearts out. Thank you for giving it your everything and for putting on an unforgettable night. I will certainly always remember that performance.

Year 6 – 28/06/19

Here are photos of Tuesday’s Forensic Science workshop, in which the children had a fantastic time investigating a crime. They learnt how to identify fingerprints, dust for fingermarks, and use chromatography to decipher which pen had been used in the crime. It was fascinating to hear how real-life detectives use evidence to solve a case, and it inspired many of the children to consider a role in the police force. Thank you to Mrs Carey for organising the day.

Please spend the weekend revising lines and song lyrics for next week’s performances. Here are the Youtube links to help practise the lyrics:


PGL Day 5 and additional photos

PGL 2019 has come to an end, but not without plenty of memories made, challenges faced and new skills acquired. Year 6 you really were fantastic this week; you were an asset to the school and it was a pleasure to watch you all participating in the activities, playing on the beach, encouraging each other and smiling through it all. I wasn’t able to post photos from my camera whilst at the centre, so here are lots more photos to enjoy from the whole week. Rest well this weekend and enjoy the half term.

PGL Day 4

What a day! We had kayaking, Jacob’s ladder and zipwire today and it’s safe to say we all had an amazing time!

Tonight we get our gladrags on and head off to the DISCO, so expect to see some shapes on the dancefloor in tomorrow’s final post!

PGL Day 3

Another fun day under the sun with fencing, survival skills and dragon boating. We ended the day with another trip to the beach where we climbed in the rock pools, picked up plastic and paddled in the water

Tomorrow: zip wire, kayaking and disco!


PGL Day 2

We had an action-packed Tuesday which tested our aiming skills in archery, our balance and coordination in street surfing, our teamwork in buggy building, our speed in quad biking and our nerve in rock climbing. Next up: dinner then campfire!

PGL Day 1

After a smooth journey, we arrived in sunny Osmington Bay. We quickly settled, had a tour of the camp and enjoyed our first meal here (fish fingers or curry).

This evening, we spent a couple of hours on the beach skimming stones, paddling and collecting pebbles. We ended our day with a beautiful circle time led by Michael, with the sound of the lapping waves behind us.

The children have got to bed quickly and with very tidy bedrooms. They are looking forward to tomorrow’s activities which include street surfing, buggy building, archery, quad biking and climbing.

They have already been praised for their manners and tidiness in the canteen.

A great start!

Year 6 – 26/04/19

Welcome back! Year 6 have worked incredibly hard in their first week back after the holidays. They have shown excellent focus in their maths and English revision sessions and are in great stead for their tests in 3 weeks time.

In RE, we have studied Luke’s account of the Resurrection. We looked at artwork depicting the event and the children also created Scratch projects showing the dialogue between the women and the angel in the empty tomb. I was extremely impressed with their computing skill.


The children also planned their own Acts of Worship that will link with the Gospel readings for the next 4 weeks. We were beautifully led in worship by the first group, who proclaimed this Sunday’s Gospel reading: Doubting Thomas.

This term, Year 6 are lucky enough to have Mr Dugan teaching them cricket, and we had our first session this afternoon.

Home learning for this week is the revision booklet covering the maths and SPaG focuses from this week, plus KS2 SATs Grammar Test (F) on spag.com.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

Year 6 – 05/04/19

I wish everybody a very enjoyable break and lovely Easter. Thank you for your hard work over the past half term.

Here are some photos of you playing the spelling games that you created this week:

Here is the whole-school home learning instructions. I look forward to seeing what beautiful creations you bring in after Easter.

Year 6 PGL Information Meeting

Here is the powerpoint from Thursday evening’s meeting about the Year 6 PGL trip. For those who were unable to attend, forms to be completed have been sent home with your child today.

Thank you