Year 6 – 26/04/19

Welcome back! Year 6 have worked incredibly hard in their first week back after the holidays. They have shown excellent focus in their maths and English revision sessions and are in great stead for their tests in 3 weeks time.

In RE, we have studied Luke’s account of the Resurrection. We looked at artwork depicting the event and the children also created Scratch projects showing the dialogue between the women and the angel in the empty tomb. I was extremely impressed with their computing skill.


The children also planned their own Acts of Worship that will link with the Gospel readings for the next 4 weeks. We were beautifully led in worship by the first group, who proclaimed this Sunday’s Gospel reading: Doubting Thomas.

This term, Year 6 are lucky enough to have Mr Dugan teaching them cricket, and we had our first session this afternoon.

Home learning for this week is the revision booklet covering the maths and SPaG focuses from this week, plus KS2 SATs Grammar Test (F) on

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Donatantonio