The Romans

Year 4 have had a few busy days all centred around the Ancient Romans and their invasion of Britain.

During this week, they have constructed Roman helmets to help them with their creative writing which will continue in to next week. They have also designed and painted Celtic clay pendants.

In class they have read and learnt about Plebeian and Patrician housing and started researching for their Roman vase designs, a D&T project we shall start next week. (Thank you for sending in some plastic bottles and balloons).

They have also continued with their violin and tennis lessons with great success.

We hope to see you all for our Blessed Sacrament procession on Friday afternoon.

Homework this weekend is Mathletics and

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga/Mrs McNamara



14th June, 2019

This week the children have continued with their Roman Topic looking at why the Romans invaded Britain and learning about Boudica.  They have studied sources of evidence about her and have made excellent interpretations of what she may have looked like.

In Maths, the children have continued to focus on the 12 and 24 hour time notation using the stimulus of completing a Tarsia puzzle.  I was delighted by their patience and resilience in completing this tricky puzzle.  For some of the children they began to design their own Tarsia puzzle!

In RE the children focused on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit  and St Paul’s letter to the Galatians and how they can relate them to their life in school.

Homework this weekend:

Spellings, History on Boudica using sources of evidence and Maths (Multiplication).

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga

Feast of Pentecost

Well done to Year 4 for a wonderful Pentecost Assembly this morning. The children read beautifully and worked hard practising during this week.

Also, the children took responsibility for the props and learning to some of the children shared another language with us – ‘thank you’ to everyone involved. We hope they have enjoyed their share of the birthday cake 🙂

Have a restful weekend and hopefully see you all at the Carnival!

Homework has been set:  Mathletics and

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

Our PE Lesson with our focus on volleying:

24th May

This week it has been Spirituality Week:

The children took part in a number of activities linked to our Spirituality Week  theme: ‘ Meeting Jesus’. The children have focused on using art to examine where Jesus is around them, prayer stations to encourage refelective prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in which they have met Jesus.

Each day the children have spent time reflecting on their day.  It has been a priviledge to watch, listen and see the children ‘speak’ about their faith.


Home Learning is a whole school project based on St Paul.

Have a lovely week.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga

Maths, maths and a bit more maths

Year 4 has had yet another busy week.

The children have carried out some practical investigations this week in Science about the human digestive system, their favourite part being the modelling of the stomach using zip-loc bags.

They  spent some time on the playground on Wednesday and Thursday  creating different types of angles using metre sticks and chalk. They have proven their understanding of angles as a measure of turn by labelling their own turns on the concrete. They have had further practical maths lessons  using our new Geo-Board apps on the Ipads to create 2-D shapes matching some clues.

As part of this term’s new topic theme (Roman Britain) the children have  worked on a Roman style mosaic portrait. It involved using lots of detail and the children  really took their time to create some beautiful pieces.

In PE, the children have carried on in their tennis learning, practising bounces and rallies and in Music, the children have progressed in their violin playing to using their bow and began learning  a new song called ‘Fast Lane’.

Enjoy your weekend!

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

Week 3 Summer Term

This week has been another busy one!

Yesterday, the children took part in a mapping and orienteering skills workshop.  The used the school grounds to investigate  the location of flags.  The rain did not dampen their enthusiasm!

This morning the children joined with the rest of the school in our May Procession to Our Lady.  After an act of worship led by the Year 6 children, they laid their flowers in the peace garden at the foot of Our Lady’s statue as a sign of their love for her.


Homework for this week:Home Learning 10th May

There will be lunchtime club on Monday and Tuesday this week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara        Ms Varga

Week 2: Summer Term


Even though it has been a shorter week due to the Staff Training Day, the children have been busy!

This week the children have continued with their second session of tennis and had another session of tennis skills today with me.  They had remembered the different skills they had been taught on Monday which was delightful to see. In RE the children have continued with the resurrection story using the bible to compare versions of what has been written, examining the art of He Qi and his depiction of ‘He is Risen’ and  writing a letter to a friend to explain why Easter and the story of the Resurrection is important to them.

In Maths today the children played number games and were presented with a range of problems which required them use the strategy of ‘making a list’. This technique involves examining all the possibilities for a solution by listing the various elements in the problem.  The children worked well with their partners.

Home Learning: Home Learning 3rd May 2019

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Homework Club will take place on Tuesday.


Mrs McNamara



Week 1 Summer Term

The children have come back enthusiastic and eager to start the new term.  Thank you so much for the wonderful Easter Garden’s that were produced over the Easter break.  The children showed other members of the class their designs and interpretation of the Easter Story.

On Tuesday, we also had a fun filled day of celebrating Easter.  The children created Easter boxes using different techniques, incorporating religious messages and symbols linked to Easter within their designs.  The class then took part in an Easter Workshop in the hall led by volunteers from the parish.   After listening to the Resurrection story, the children  had the opportunity to re-live each part by completing some activities. These included decorating some crowns, washing each others’ feet, tasting some bread and grapes, using plasticine to create a face and finally reflecting on the Resurrection using a cross to help them to focus their thoughts and intentions.

The children enjoyed the Workshop very much and participated with reverence.

In Maths the children have continued the topic of division and on Thursday, in teams of three, worked hard to solve a Mathematical Puzzle that had been set  from Wroxham Primary School.  A problem set by our school was given to the Year 4 children at Wroxham to solve also!

I was very proud of their persistence in solving their problems as a team and trying to ensure that each member took turns.

In PE the children had a starter session on tennis skills in preparation for the first of their lessons in Tennis which will commence next Monday.  PE Kits should be in school by Monday at the latest.  Thank you.

Violin lessons will begin back again next Wednesday.


Homework for this week:

Log onto Mathletics complete the task(s) set.

Log onto SPAG and complete the task set.

Try the following two websites:

1.Tommy’s Trek – Timestables 

2.  Spelling Frame

Click on Year 3 and 4

Click on spelling rule 25 (Year 3/4 Statutory Word List) and play the game to help you remember these spelling words.

Please continue to encourage your child to read daily and update their reading log.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga

5th April, 2019

This week we received the Sacrament of Reconciliation from Fr Shaun and Fr Dominic.  The children examined what sin is and wrote beautiful poems around their thoughts.

The children also  entertained us with their wonderful skills of singing, piano and violin in front of an audience of their peers and parents.  This can be such a nervous time for them to share their talents  – it was wonderful to see how much their confidence has grown this term.  Well done children!

Last Friday, the children led the Stations of the Cross at church and I was so pleased to hear that they had read confidently and with reverence.  I enjoyed practising their readings with them and it was lovely to allow them to choose the station they wanted to read about.  Thank you children for giving up your time to come to the service and share your talents.

Home Learning for the Easter holidays is set out below.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga


29th March

This week has been another busy one!

The children have been completing their writing of The Dish and the Spoon and The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om to add to their writing portfolios.  They have added to their english skills and shown such focus in using the strategies of editing to uplevel their writing.

In Maths we have continued with the formal method of multiplication and applying their skills of calculation in solving problems.  Their topic of fractions has also continued. In Science the children have also used the app of Popplet to aid their work.

In RE, we used the art work of Christopher Gosey, who painted Our Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem, to capture his thoughts on this special event.  RE has a natural open frontier with visual, creative and imaginative learning and Gosey’s painting of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem allowed the children to enjoy it in a spiritual way.

Homework for this weekend is:, Mathletics and Spellings.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga